Bio (English)

Gregory Elacqua has conducted extensive research on schools in Latin America and has also been active in the politics of educational policy reform. He is currently the Principal Economist in the Education Division at the Inter-American Development Bank in Washington D.C.

He was previously the Director of the Public Policy Institute at the School of Business and Economics at the Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) in Chile. He was also a professor at the School of Government at the Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez in Chile. His research focuses on education policy, the economics of education, school finance, teacher policy, school choice, centralized student and teacher assignment, and the political economy of the educational system. He has written books, journal articles, and reports comparing various aspects of education cross-nationally. He has also been active in the world of education policy. He was an advisor to three Ministers of Education in Chile. He also served as an advisor to a member of the Education Committee in the Chilean Senate. He has also been involved in the design and implementation of education reforms in Chile and other countries in Latin America. He holds a Ph.D. in Public Policy from Princeton University.