Franklin County's YMCA

451 Main Street

Volunteers welcome!

About the garden: When a longtime gardener and YMCA member, Nancee Bershof, imagined a beautiful garden instead of the worn eroding bank of "lawn" in front of the Main St entrance to the Y, she inquired of the Y's new director whether there was any interest in building a native plant pollinator garden in that space. 

With a resounding "yes", the project was begun in the fall of 2019 with plants and gardening expertise donated by community members. Now the garden flourishes and provides habitat for insects, birds, and the web of life in downtown Greenfield,  as well as beauty for all who walk this section of Main St. 

As with any new garden, there is always work to do to keep it growing beautifully. 

Volunteer opportunities: Volunteers are welcomed during planned work bees.

Garden volunteer coordinator: Nancee Bershof

451 Main St