Greenfield High School Rain Garden

21 Barr Avenue

The entrance to Greenfield High School is flanked by extensive rain gardens.  Water from the roofs is directed to these gardens, which are planted with wetland trees, shrubs such as Itea virginica (Virginia sweetspire, in the foreground in the photo), and flowering plants.  These gardens prevent flooding of the parking lots and fields surrounding the school,  preventing runoff of street contaminants into local bodies of water. 

The seasons monitored by GHS students

Photos courtesy of Judy Bennett

Student and teacher noting plant status in the fall.

The rain garden after a late-autumn rainstorm.

The view late winter - March 1.

April 15 - first blush of spring!

May 13- trees are leafing out. 

June 6. Summer is on the way!

The rain garden after a storm, June 19.  Photo by Martin Yaffee.

Science students added informative plant ID signs in June, 2022.

Based on their observations of tree health, the science class makes a statement to encourage responsible landscaping!