Stuffed Vine Leaves

Stuffed Vine Leaves

Ingredients for the recipe

40 pieces of vine leaves

1/2 kilo of blue rose or Carolina rice

1 large onion, grated

1 tomato, grated

180 ml olive oil

1 bunch of parsley

1 bunch of wild fennel

1 bunch of spearmint

Salt & Pepper

Juice of 1 lemon

Recipe preparations

The stuffed vine leaves, in the old days, used to be prepared with cabbage leaves and crusehd wheat for the stuffing, instead of rice. We present you here the recipe with the rice, which is more commonly used nowadays:

For 40 pieces

Blanch the vine leaves into boiled water for 1 minute and leave them to cool. Slice the herbs ( Parsley, Spearmint & wild fennel) and mix them with the rice, the olive oil, the tomato and the onion. Afterwards use a spoonful mix of the above, to fill the leaves. Fold the ends towards the inside and roll them. Then, place them side by side inside a pan whose bottom is covered with stalks of fennel, parsley and thick slices of onions. Cover them with water and leave them to boil, until they absorb their juices. (45-50 minutes)

Good Luck & Good Appetite!