What plants and animals live in the North Pole?

Despite being well known for the extremely cold weather, the North Pole or the Arctic region is home to a bunch of animals and plants. It’s not exaggerated that the northernmost point on Earth is really abundant in terms of plant life and animal life. While the South Pole or Antarctica is so renowned for its iconic penguins, well, what kind of animals live in the North Pole and become the icons of this region? Keep scrolling down till the end of this post, then you’ll have your own answer.


As mentioned recently, there are a lot of animals, including birds, land mammals, whales, and others, living in the North Pole and Arctic, and we will list out just some of the most common ones. Now, it’s time to check out what they are.

Polar bear

Polar bear

When it comes to what kind of animals live in the North Pole, the polar bear is the very first name coming to mind, isn’t it? Being born on land but polar bears are excellent at swimming.

Do you know that it is the biggest bear in existence? Actually, when standing on their hind legs, the largest polar bears might be a ten-feet tall. Interestingly, they love a feast a lot as they spend about 1/2 of their time in search of food.


Weighing up to 1700 kilograms, walrus is a true giant in the kingdom of animals. Together with the heavyweights, this resident of the Arctic is also full of surprises.

At the first glance, it’s easy to realize that they all have iconic ivory tusks which can grow to a length of 1 meter. Walruses are also able to not only slow the heart rate but also redirect their blood away from certain organs. They are excellent at swimming and can reach speeds of 22 miles/h underwater.


Brunnich guillemots

Having black heads, white bellies, and black backs, Brunnich guillemots or also known as thick-billed murres are called penguins of the North. This Arctic sea bird has very excellent underwater diving abilities since it can dive to the amazing depths of 91 meters (> 330 feet) or even twice that. They have stubby wings which are not perfect for flying but so ideal for diving underwater.


What kind of animals live in the North Pole that looks so cute? Well, puffin must be one of the most adorable animals inhabiting there. Interestingly, the peak’ color of puffin changes seasonally. In the wintertime, puffins have a little bit more gay beak, not the bright red one.

The petite puffin spends a lot of the time at sea (about 2/3 of the year). This sea bird species loves to hang out on islands and cliffs in massive groups.


Bowhead whales

The Bowhead whale is the longest-living mammal on Earth with a lifespan of 200 years and even more than that. This Arctic species is also so, so big in shape and size. The Bowhead whales can weigh up to 90,000 kilograms while their length can also be 60 feet. Besides, the whales also have a large triangle skull that tells them apart from other kinds of whales.

What kind of animals live in the North Pole: Others

The animal life in the North Pole and the Arctic is quite abundant. Together with the animals mentioned above, there are still so many other mammals, birds, whales, and more. In terms of land mammals, other animals include Arctic fox, wolf, musk ox, hare, etc. Other birds are purple sandpiper, Arctic tern, common eider, and more. About whales, they are minke whales, beluga whales, …


These are what kind of animals live in the North Pole that we want to share with you in this article. As you can see, the northernmost point region on Earth is home to a wide range of land mammals, whales, birds, and others.