Nail care tips for summer, here are important things to know

Is summer your favorite season? Summer with warmer weather is ideal to go out and take part in your favorite outdoor activities, right? But do know you that summer is also the time that you better take of your skin, hair, and nails as well? Yep, that's true. This is because strong direct sun rays during summer can harm or even damage our skin, hair, and nails. So, what should we do to protect and keep your nails healthy and shine? Here are nail care tips for summer that can help you do that better. Let's check them out right now!


Do know you that summer is also the time that you better take of your nails?

Don't let your nails get exposed to direct sun rays for long hours

Do you know that lots of sun rays, particularly summer sun rays, can really harm and even damage your nails? Well, that's true. This is because UV exposure negatively affects the manicure. It can fade and ruin our manicure. Therefore, you should avoid letting your nails exposed to direct sun rays too much. But what to do when you need to spend several hours outdoor? In this case, it's a good idea for you to apply a protecting coating on the nails in order to protect them.

Nail care tips for summer: Do not let your nails dry out, keep them hydrated

When it comes to nail care tips for summer, well, this one is key. Your nails need moisture to prevent cracking and peeling. So what to do to moisturize the nails? Do you think soaking the nails in water can help? Oh no, it can't help at all. In contrast, soaking nails in water makes your nails dry out due to removing important oils. So, instead of soaking nails in water, you should apply lotions or hand creams to your nails and your hands right after swimming, washing hands, or soaking them in water. Doing this helps restore natural oils in your nails.

In addition, any exposure to chemicals such as alcohol-based sanitizers, household cleaners, chlorine, etc also causes dehydration to the nails. So, to protect skin and nails on your hands, never forget to wear rubber gloves while doing household using chemicals.

What to do to moisturize the nails?

Pay attention to the length

The length affects the health of your nails. Why? Do you know that nails grow more rapidly in warmer weather? Yep, it's true. And that's the reason why you need to pay more attention to the length of the nails in summer and maintain the proper length. Cutting nails frequently can speed their growth. Also, keeping the nails short (not too short) is beneficial for strong nails. Clearly, shorter nails have few edges that can get broken during your summer activities.


In addition to the three basic (but important) nail care tips for summer mentioned previously, there are still so many other tips that can make your nails healthier and look better. For example, you should avoid and stop smoking, not cut your nails right after a bath or shower, keep the nails protected, quit the nail-biting habit, drink enough water, and more.


Recently, we've learned about basic but very necessary nail care tips for summer. Well, as you can see, it's not difficult at all to take care of your nails and make them stronger and healthier in the hot weather of summer, right? As long as you pay attention and spend time taking care of them, they will look so good. And that's all for this post. Hope you found it useful and interesting.