What are the steps in basic manicure?

Summer is a great time for us to go out and join a wide range of outdoor activities. But it’s also time for us to better take care of our hair, our skin, and our nails as well.


This is because summer always comes with warmer temperatures and stronger direct sun rays that can cause bad effects on the skin, nails, and hair of us. When it comes to nail care in summer, what do you think you should do to keep it healthy and pretty? Do you know the answer to this question? If you don’t, well, it’s okay. Just need to keep reading on then you’ll know basic (but important) nail care tips for summer to know!

When it comes to nail care in summer, what do you think you should do to keep it healthy and pretty?

Avoid spending too much time under direct sun rays

Lots of sun rays, especially summer sun rays, can harm and damage your nails. Do you know that fact? Well, it's totally true. UV exposure badly affects our manicure. It can fade and ruin the manicure. For that reason, you should try the best to avoid letting your nails get exposed to summer sun rays for long hours or spending too much time under direct sun rays. So, what to do if you have to spend some hours outside? If that's the case, you should apply a protective coating on your nails to protect them.

Keep your nails stay hydrated

Out of nail care tips for summer, this one is key. Your nails, similar to your skin, need moisture to prevent peeling and cracking. But do soaking the nails in water help moisturize them? Oh, it's not at all. Instead of moisturizing your nails, soaking nails in water does remove important oils from your nails, making them dry out.

Furthermore, any exposure to chemicals including chlorine, alcohol-based sanitizers, household cleaners, etc can also cause dehydration to your nails.

So what to do to keep nails dehydrated? To keep them hydrated, moisturize your nails right after washing hands, soaking hands in water, or swimming to replace oils in nails. You can do this by applying hand creams or lotions. Besides, always wear rubber gloves when doing household chores using chemicals to protect nails and skin on your hands.

Your nails, similar to your skin, need moisture to prevent peeling and cracking

Nail care tips for summer: Check out the length frequently

Does the length of your nails affect their health? Yep, they do. Well, when it comes to the length of nails, there’s an interesting fact that you should know here is that your nails grow more quickly in warm weather than they are in cold weather. That’s why you should frequently check out their length and maintain the proper length of them in summer. Cutting nails frequently help speed their growth, and keeping them short (not too short) is also beneficial for healthy nails. Obviously, shorter nails have few edges that might be broken more easily during your summer activities.


Along with the basic nail care tips for summer above, there are still a lot of other things that you should know to keep the nails shine. For example, you should quit the nail-biting habit, stop or avoid smoking, not cut nails right after a bath or shower, drink enough water, keep the nails protected, and more.

Bottom line

We’ve recently learned basic but essential nail care tips for summer. As you can see, it isn’t difficult at all to keep your nails protected and become healthier during summer, right? As long as you spend enough time taking care of your nails, they will get stronger and stronger. And that’s all for today’s article. Hope you liked this article and found it useful.