What is the weather in North Pole & Things to know about Arctic climate

Is the North Pole, the northernmost point on the planet, the coldest place in the world, or somewhere else? How cold it is in the North Pole and Arctic? If you are looking for the answers to these questions, this post is something you must want to check out right now as below here are all basic things and facts about what is the weather in North Pole and Arctic climate. Let’s check them out now!

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Located in the Arctic, the Geographic North Pole the Earth's northernmost point

The location of the North Pole

Located in the Arctic, the Geographic North Pole, as mentioned recently, is the Earth's northernmost point, where Earth's axis intersects with its surface. From the North Pole, every direction turns south. The North Pole's latitude is 90 degrees north. All lines of longitude begin from there. Notably, the North Pole has no time zone.

Besides, the Pole is also surrounded by the Arctic Ocean, where the water is about 3,400 feet deep and covered with 6-10-feet-thick drifting ice.

What is the weather in North Pole & the climate Arctic?

Back to the question addressed in the introduction, well, the North Pole (Arctic) is not the coldest place in the world. In fact, the weather in the South Pole (Antarctica) is colder and more severe than in the North Pole. But it doesn’t mean that the weather in the North Pole is icy and freezing. Cold and colder are the only two options here.

It’s so cold in the Arctic, especially in the winter

What is the weather in North Pole?

There are only 2 seasons in the North Pole (the Arctic), summer and winter, no spring or autumn. The winter season lasts about 9 months each year, while summer seasons fill in the other three months.

The average temperatures in the Geographic North Pole are a frosty -40 degrees Celsius in winter and still chilly 0 degrees Celsius in summers, just at the freezing point. However, as mentioned previously, the South Pole (the Antarctic) is a lot colder, with summer average temperatures at -28 degrees Celsius and winter at -60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Because of Earth's tilted axis, the northernmost point has only one sunset and one sunrise occuring at the September equinox and March equinox, respectively. There's sunlight all day in summer months in the North Pole but in wintertime, it's always dark and just dark the whole day.

What is the weather in North Pole: North Pole in winter

What is the climate in the Arctic?

The climate in the Arctic climate is divided into two major types, including maritime and continental climates.

About the maritime climate, it prevails in the areas near the ocean. Winters in the coastal regions are wet and stormy, with precipitation (rainfall and snow) reaching 24 inches to up to 49 inches per year. In summer, the weather there tends to be cloudy and cool with mean temperatures of about 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

In terms of the continental climate, it takes place in the interior areas of the Arctic lands with dryer weather, less precipitation snow during the winter and sunny summer days. In winters, the weather can be severe with harshly cold temperatures, even below -40 degrees Celsius in some areas of Siberia. During the summer months, the long days of sunshine can bring temperatures up to 10 degrees Celcius or even more.


These are some basic things to know about the weather in the Geographic North Pole and the climate in the Arctic that we want to introduce to you in this post. Did you find them useful and interesting? Well, that’s all for today’s writing “What is the weather in North Pole & things to know about Arctic climate.” Hope you enjoyed it!