Interesting facts about Oymyakon and the people’s lives there

Here are very unique facts about Oymyakon and the lives of locals here:


    1. What’s about the weather and climate of Mawsynram

    2. Do you know where the coldest place in the world where humans live is?

  • In the coldest place in the world where humans live, July and June are two months when the temperatures are higher than 14°C (-10°F).

  • Verkhoyansk and Oymyakon are the only 2 permanently inhabited places in the world that recorded temperatures below -60°C (-76°F) every day in January.

  • The Oymyakon inhabitants survive the harshly cold winters mainly by burning coal & wood for warmth.

  • In spite of the frightfully harsh weather conditions, life is, well, pretty normal in Oymyakon.

  • The duration of daytime in winters in Oymyakon lasts just about 2-3 hours, but in summers it can be, well, as much as ... 21 hours.

  • There is no hotel in Oymyakon while it also has only one school in the entire village.

  • No crops can be found in this small village during winter. Oymyakon inhabitants mostly depend on horse meat, fish, reindeer meat, and milk for their daily food requirements.

  • ...

Interesting things to know about the coldest place in the world where humans live

Do you think that is there any permanently inhabited place in the world where its lowest recorded temperature was -67.7°C (-89.9°F)? Well, there is actually a place like that on Earth! Do you want to know what it is? If that’s the case, you shouldn’t miss out on this article since right below here, we are going to share with you the top interesting facts about the coldest place in the world where humans live, of course including where it is. Let’s go!

In February 1993, this place once recorded a shockingly low temperature of -67.7°C (-89.9°F)

Where is the coldest place in the world where humans live?

The coldest inhabited place on Earth is Oymyakon. It’s a remote village in Russia, located pretty far north though it’s not Seberia’s furthest point. Together with the town of Verkhoyansk, Russia, Oymyakon is considered the Northern Pole of Cold. Notably, Verkhoyansk is 391 miles away from Oymyakon.

How cold Oymyakon is?

It’s not coincident that Oymyakon is known as the coldest place in the world where humans live. The weather conditions there are super harsh. In February 1993, this place once recorded a shockingly low temperature of -67.7°C (-89.9°F).

This small village has an extreme subarctic climate with long and super cold winters and short and mild-to-warm or even hot summers. Oymyakon has never recorded temperatures higher than 0°C (the freezing point) between October and March.

Annually, the average temperature in Oymyakon is -15.5°C (4.1°F). Dec, Jan, and Feb are the coldest months in Oymyakon. -50°C (-58°F) is Oymyakon’s average temperature in January.

There are also up to 156 snow days in Oymyakon. Snow mainly occurs from October to March. Rain also falls in Oymyakon but mostly during the summer months. Though it’s the coldest permanently habited place on Earth, there are no snow days in Oymyakon in August and July. Let’s move on to the next part of this post to learn other interesting facts about the coldest village in the world now!

Annually, the average temperature in Oymyakon is -15.5°C (4.1°F). Dec, Jan, and Feb are the coldest months in Oymyakon.

Bottom line

Above are all interesting things and facts about the coldest place in the world where humans live that we want to introduce to you via this article. As you can see, Oymyakon is a super unique village, and the local’s lives there are also amazing, right? And that’s all for today’s article. Hope you liked it!
