What animals live in the North Pole and South Pole?

The North Pole is well known for its harshly cold weather. Despite that fact, the North Pole or the Arctic region is still home to a wide variety of plants and animals. Yep, that’s definitely true. While the South Pole is famous for its iconic penguins, what kind of animals live in the North Pole and are considered the icons of this area? Keep reading on and then you will have your own answer.


As mentioned above, there’s a wide variety of animals, including land mammals, marine mammals, birds, and more, living in the North Pole and Arctic, so, we are going to list out some of the most popular ones. Now, let’s see what they are.

Polar bear

Polar bear

Nothing but the polar bear is the first species coming to mind first when it comes to what kind of animals live in the North Pole, right? Despite being born on land, polar bears are so good at swimming.

Do you know that the polar bear is the biggest bear in existence? In fact, the largest polar bears are probably ten-feet tall when they stand on their hind legs. Polar bears love a feast so much since they spend approximately 1/2 of their time in search of food.


The true giant in the kingdom of animals, walrus, can weigh up to 1700 kilograms (~3750 pounds). Along with its heavyweights, this animal is also full of surprises.

All walruses have iconic ivory tusks that can grow to a length of 3 feet. They also have the ability to slow their heart rate and redirect the blood away from certain organs. Walruses are excellent swimmers as they can reach speeds of 35 km/h underwater.



What kind of animals live in the North Pole that has a so cute look? It’s puffin for sure. All puffins look adorable, like a cartoon character. Amazingly, their peaks color change seasonally. During winter, they have a little bit more gay beak instead of bright red color.

The petite puffin spends about 2/3 of the year at sea. This sea bird loves to hang out on cliffs and islands in enormous groups.

Thick-billed murre

Having a white belly, black back, and head, thick-billed murre is often called penguin of the North. This sea bird has superb underwater diving abilities as it can dive to depths of > 91 meters or even twice that. Their stubby wings seem not to be perfect for flying but more than ideal for diving underwater.

Thick-billed murre

Bowhead whale

The Bowhead whales can live as long as > 200 years. They are considered the longest-living mammals on the planet. This Arctic species also very giant in shape and size as it can weigh up to 90,000 kilograms and grow up to 60 feet in length. The large triangle skull is also a special feature that tells the Bowhead whales apart from other kinds of whales.

What kind of animals live in the North Pole: Others

Together with the animals listed previously, the North Pole is home to so many other sea birds, mammals, whales, and more. More mammals are Arctic wolf, fox, musk ox, hare, etc, while other birds are Arctic tern, purple sandpiper, common eider,... About whales, the Arctic also has minke whales, beluga whales, and more.


Above are what kind of animals live in the North Pole and things to know about them that you might not know. As you can see, the animal life in the northernmost point region on Earth is so abundant with a wide variety of types of animals.