Do you know where the driest place in the world is?

There are a lot of places and regions on Earth receiving low levels of annual precipitation. But where is the driest place in the world? Is it somewhere in Africa - the hottest continent on the planet? No, it isn’t. Well, the world’s driest place is located in the coldest continent, Antarctica! Do you think that it’s the truth? Keep reading on then you will have the answer on your own. Here it is!

Where is the driest place on Earth?

First, the answer to the question: “where is the driest place in the world?” is going to be revealed right below here. After that, we’ll check out 3 other places that are also listed among the least rain places in the globe.

Here’s the driest place in the world

As mentioned in the introduction recently, the world’s driest place is exactly located in Antarctica - the continent with the coldest weather all over the globe. The name of that place is McMurdo Dry Valleys.

Well, McMurdo Dry Valleys in Antarctica are believed to not have received water and precipitation for, maybe, millions of years. That’s the reason why it’s said that there are almost 0 inches of annual rainfall and no humidity available in this place. Well, more surprisingly, the Friis Hills in Taylor Valley, a portion of McMurdo Dry Valleys, have not received any water or precipitation in ... 14 million years.

That’s about the driest place on Earth. Next, we’ll explore 3 more places that also see unbelievable low levels of precipitation.

McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica - The driest place in the world

Top 3 other driest places on Earth that you might not know

Let’s see what these 3 other places that are also famous for their dryness now.

Atacama Desert, Chile

Located in South America, the Atacama Desert has a kind of incomparable dryness to most parts of the word. Receiving only 4 inches of precipitation every ... thousand years, it’s nothing to surprise when this place is definitely one of the driest areas on Earth. Records show that no substantial amount of rainfall has ever been seen in this area since the 16th century, whereas some spots have not had rainfall at all. Do you know that this area is so parched that the mountains are completely glacier free?

The Atacama Desert’s dryness is incomparable dryness to most parts of the word

Al-Kulfa, Libya

The next one of the top driest place in the world is Al-Kulfa, Libya. Situated in the southeastern region of Libya, right in the center of the Sahara Desert - the world’s largest hot desert, Al-Kufrah is known as the driest spot in the continent of Africa. Annually, this place receives an average precipitation of just 0.0338 inches.

There are a very small number of oases nearby Al-Kulfa which have underground springs that feed people and animals here. The major crops grown in this place include apricots, peaches, and dates fruit.

Aswan, Egypt

Aswan, Egypt is another place that’s extremely well-known for its dryness all year round. Located in the southern part of Egypt, Aswan has a hot desert climate with boiling hot summers. About its precipitation, this city just sees 0.0388 inches of precipitation throughout the year. The average relative humidity of Aswan is just 26 percent and during summer, its minimum mean of rainfall is only 16 percent.


Now, you know where the driest place in the world is, right? That’s McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica. In addition to McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, there are many other places on the planet having very, very little precipitation throughout the year. They are the Atacama Desert, Al-Kulfa, Aswan, and a lot others. That’s it for today’s article. We hope you really enjoyed it.

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