What is the weather on jupiter

Jupiter is the fifth and also the largest planet on the Solar System. The average distance between this planet and the Sun is 448 million miles. So, what is the weather on the planet Jupiter like? Is it hot or cold? Does it have storms or not? … Well, if you are curious about these questions, let’s spend a few minutes checking this article as right below here are some of the most interesting facts about the weather on Jupiter. Here they are!

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Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System

Basic knowledge about the planet Jupiter

As mentioned recently, Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System. Having immense size, do you think that one day on Jupiter is longer than one day on Earth? Well, it's not true. In fact, one Jovian day or one day on Jupiter goes by in <10 hours. And one year on this planet is the same as more than 11 years on Earth. The reason behind that fact lies in the very fast rotation speed of Jupiter, with 12.6 kilometers per second at its equator.

Besides, the largest planet in our Solar System is also called "a gas giant" since it's made up mainly of hydrogen with some helium and a mall traces of other gases like ammonia, methane, and others. The planet is filled entirely with these gases. Its surface isn't solid and under the surface, the gas becomes liquid. These are basic things about Jupiter, now, let's move on to learn about the weather on the planet Jupiter.

Jupiter is also the fifth planet in the Solar System

Weather on the planet Jupiter

Here are a few facts about the atmosphere, temperature, … in the planet Jupiter:

The atmosphere

Jupiter has a relatively dry and extremely dense atmosphere. Its atmosphere is composed mainly of gaseous and liquid matter (that's why it's called a gas giant!). The depth of Jupiter's atmosphere can be a few hundred kilometers. Closer to the surface of the planet, the gases become denser and likely turn into a compound of slurry. Inside the planet, with a temperature of about ... 36,000 degrees Fahrenheit, Jupiter’s rocky core is extremely hot due to gravitational compression.

The temperature

Yep, we can't forget to mention temperature when it comes to the weather on the planet Jupiter. With an average temperature of only -145°C (-234°F), Jupiter is super frigid even in its warmest periods of the year. The temperatures in Jupiter vary, depending on height above its surface as heat is majorly driven by the planet's interior rather than by the sun.

The Great Red Spot on Jupiter

Stormy planet and its Great Red Spot

Jupiter is a stormy planet. Its surface experiences massive violent storms. Storms on Jupiter can form within a few hours and then grow up to sizes of thousands of miles in diameter overnight. Great Red Spot is the best-known storm on Jupiter. With a size of 3 times larger than Earth, this spot is a true giant. Notably, it has been storming for >300 years.


Above are some basic things to know about the planet Jupiter and the weather on the planet Jupiter that we want to share with you via this post. As you can see, there are a lot of amazing facts about the largest planet in the Solar System and its weather, right? Hope you found all the information above interesting.