Ephemerides (2021)

Ephemerides (2021)

Ephemerides are tables of data showing the predicted paths of celestial bodies, useful as schedules to astronomers, stargazers and astrologers. Some of these objects in the sky were made by us, most have been there following their mostly predicable cyclical paths for billions of years. We have long been interested in these motions and apparent motions, this musica universalis and the beautiful mathematics behind it.

This album came out of a recent interest in Pure Data, an object-based programming language for musicians, artists, sound designers, etc. Building small machines to produce musical behavior shaped by the will of the programmer.

Hopefully, the listener will enjoy the sounds found here, perhaps as though watching the subtle motion in the night sky.

released January 9, 2021

Pure Data originally by Miller Puckete; puredata.info


pd dsp 1