Light, Color & Time (2016)

This is a set of texture studies reflecting physics and nature. Pulses with a pulse? Please contact me if you want to talk about the music, I'm a pretty approachable person.

This album cost me nothing to make and was completely a labor of love. (I make my living as a teacher.) Contribute if you want to, but no hard feelings if you don't. Join Creative Commons!


released December 11, 2016

vocal talent: Paulina Virostek & Misun Lee

the rest: Gordon Bazsali Jr.

cover art: crystal microscopy (non-attribution, derivative, creative commons licensed image) altered by me

Thank you to Vasana Haines for the equipment loan and great talks, to my other unwitting mentors: Brian Eno, Edgar Varese, Steve Reich, Iannis Xenakis, David Vayo, David Graeber (the anthropologist), Bethesda Studios, Kenneth May, John Bocskay, Colin Bazsali, my students in music history/theory class, Stephen Syverud, mom and dad, Daniel Lynds, Sundi Richards, Nelson Parish, Gino Brann, George Baca, Kevin Smith, and to Brian, Hyunju, Joseph and Paulina Virostek for bringing ART back into our lives. Most of all, unending thanks to Mi-sun for being the best wife a composer could hope for. I love our life.

Most sincerely,
