

I currently design and teach music courses at the International College of Dongseo University in Busan, South Korea. They range from film/animation music, sound design, aesthetics, music history and music composition. 

My students are from all over, including Lithuania, Columbia, India, Belgium, Uzbekistan, Russia, Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Angola, Thailand, Ukraine, Pakistan, Finland and Korea. 

My recent courses include:

Sound Studio

debuted in the Fall of 2021, this is a project-based course on music for visual arts for Design, Animation VFX, Film VFX, and other related majors.

designed to prepare students for a more informed and hands-on approach to music in their own projects

This video is a showcase of 12 student projects where they were given the intro credits sequence of a TV show and they were to remove the original sound track and create their own. Most students used an online music writing/recording tool called Bandlab, some used FL Studio, Ableton and others. Some of the examples in the video include the DAW work version as well as the finished mix. 


Fall 2021 Sound Studio I Final Project: Intro Sequence

All music is original by the students; video images are the property of the various TV entities and subject to copyright protection.

Music & Creativity Intro Video_2.mp4

Music and Creativity 101

Intro video

International College, Dongseo University, Busan, South Korea

The Music & Creativity Final Project

At the end of the semester, the students collect what they consider to be their own best work into a music album format and post it on a major music platform such as Bandcamp, Bandlab or SoundCloud.

This chart is an ongoing collection of student albums that show a keen understanding of the course concepts and a willingness to go the extra mile in their work.

Give them a listen! They are short but a lot of heart and personality went into their making. (Consider buying them if the option is there!)

Music & Creativity Top Albums

Storytelling & Music Methodology

debuted in the Fall of 2021, this graduate level course emphasizes the importance of music in motion visual mediums, focusing on telling more emotionally impactful stories with music.

Final Scored Animatic Projects

The final project was to create a story from scratch, outline it, make a synopsis for it. Then create a simple animatic video and score it with original music using the skills/concepts discussed practiced during the semester. Here are some stand-out projects from Fall 2021.


Tom & Snowman

by Kim, Ji-yoon (2021-2)



by Alisa (2021-2)


Spotting Sheet for MissFortune



by Lyu, Yin (2021-2)



by Liu, Xueyao (2021-2)

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Spotting Sheet for Dream

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Boy's Memory

by Shi, Siwen (2021-2)

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Little Women

adapted by Yang, Hua (2021-2)

MoS intro video03.mp4

Music on Screen 101

Introduction video.

We cover history, methods, and aesthetics of film/TV/animation music.

UndMus Intro_02_1.mp4

Understanding Music

Intro video.

This course attempts to cover as much of the history, terms, concepts, and social impact of western music as is possible in one semester. We look at the known origins of music, aesthetic and cultural perspectives and try to get an idea of how we got from prehistoric practices to what is happening today.