
2023 Demos - Emotional edition

links to individual tracks (YouTube):

00:00 - majestic - impassioned

00:47 - quietly determined

01:22 - mournful

02:01 - impatient / worrisome

02:31 - distant longing

02:57 - nurturing

03:26 - intense - foreboding - quiet vigilance

04:24 - introspective

05:22 - stoic / courageous

06:10 - contemplative - plotting - thoughtful

06:56 - discovery

07:51 - vulnerable - finding strength

08:43 - patience

09:34 - compassion

10:31 - forgiveness

11:34 - arrival - redemption - resolution 

2023 Demos - Documentary edition

links to individual tracks (YouTube):

00:00 - forest

00:46 - sea

01:28 - city

02:11 - sky

03:07 - desert

03:48 - space

04:41 - loss

05:19 - mountaineering

06:18 - books

07:14 - microbiology

07:56 - rainforest

08:34 - Chernobyl

09:14 - fractals

09:46 - volcanoes 


Forest Music

[Feb. 2022] for game ambience, nature documentary, etc.

tundra wildlife.mp4

Tundra Wildlife (3:00)


deleted scene (my score) from "The Force Awakens" (2015)

deleted scene, my music

Apology5- 4 goes.mp4

Deleted scene (my score) from "2012"

assembled for class discussion: no music; w/music; DAW views

a child's world.mp4

A Child's World (3:22)

introspective / compassionate

going in for tests.mp4

going in for tests (1:35)

cold mountain.mp4

Cold Mountain (1:35)

spacious / elemental