Fairy wishes granted here.

NB: We have to politely turn down requests for money or large items like a car. If you need these things please see our helpful links page for alternative Marin County resources.

Matching a Need to an Opportunity

Find it Fairies

People often come to Good Fairy with a specific request, most often something they need and can't afford, can't find or can't access. We call this a Fairy Wish. We also uncover fairy wishes when we talk to folks or visit them, we notice a person has no bedding or needs a kettle or we find out in talking to them they'd love a copy of a particular book etc. ..things that would bring them comfort or joy. Most often these items are fulfilled with second hand supplies, sometimes a fairy will purchase items to fulfill a wish..and sometimes we dip into our donations money. Nothing is to bizarre to ask for it. We may fail but we'll give anything a shot to make a fairy smile.

Find a home for it

And we do the reverse. Folks and organizations come to us with proactive donations. Candy, plants, baked goods, jigsaws etc left over from a sale, 147 bottles of shampoo, medical equipment like a wheelchair. We often know exactly who to bring these to in our community or among our partner organization. Sometimes offers inspire us to create a project. A gift of seedlings started our gardening program. Nothing is to bizarre to offer us.

Can you help this team?

  • Become a 'Find it fairy' . Help us utilizes the power of Nextdoor, Facebook and 'free stuff sites' and uses our social media to issue request to find these.

  • Become a Pickup/Delivery fairy - transport items. Often those who need help can't access stuff offered for free as they can't transport them

  • Admin - help us coordinate donation offerings and 'go fund me fairy' projects

  • Find a home fairy - help us place offered items and coordinate pick up/delivery

Thank you for your generosity and community spirit!

I can donate stuff


Fairy wishes - items needed, second hand is great!


Fairy GoFundMe campaigns - some local GoFundMe donation opportunities to consider

It's cold out there. Helping fairies who are currently homeless. Special Project - 25 Winter Care Packages for ladies with Ritter Center