Global Relationships


Goatlanndia is an independent, sovereign nation. This is exemplified by the Montevideo Convention, which states that "For a country to be a country, it must have 1) a permanent population, 2) a defined territory, 3) a government, & 4) a capacity to enter into relations with other states." Goatlanndia has 1) 16 citizens (as of 14/8/2017), 2) a defined territory (check out the "Map" tab), 3) a government, & 4) relations with other states*.

*The United States has accepted funds, and even the United Nations itself has taken in and accepted money from Goatlanndia through various supranational organizations, such as UNICEF. Goatlanndia has also communicated through email to various countries, including but not limited to Molossia and France.

We are allies with the Coral Sea Islands, and have an informal alliance with Molossia. Goatlanndia has mutual defence guarantees to some degree with the United States of America, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Britain, Tunisia, France, Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Kiribati, Argentina, and Spain, as an attack on Goatlanndia would likely be seen as an attack on at least one of the listed countries.

This also means that we are allies with the remaining members of NATO (Belgium, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Germany, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Albania, Croatia, and Montenegro), because the US, Canada, Denmark, the Netherlands, Norway, Britain, France, and Spain (as listed in the previous paragraph) are NATO members, and NATO has a mutual defence clause, and therefore we are protected by it even if we are not directly part of NATO.

We also have defence guarantees with New Zealand, as it is one of the countries protecting Kiribati. New Zealand is also partially in ANZUS. The Bahamas, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Perú, Trinidad and Tobago, and Uruguay are also allies, because of the Rio Pact.

We also have defence guarantees with Azerbaijan, as Turkey, which is a NATO member, has a pact with them. There are also alliances with Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and the Philippines, because the United States has agreements with these countries. By the Compact of Free Association, Palau, Micronesia and the Marshall Islands could also be considered allies as well. Similarly, the neutral European Union states not listed above (Finland, Ireland, Austria, Malta) could also be considered allies, as the EU has a Common Foreign and Security Policy, and we are allies with other EU countries.

Just because some countries are our allies doesn't mean we have to completely like or agree with them (Like Turkey).

We have open borders, similar to Schengen.

Goatlanndia recognizes Taiwan, Kosovo, Western Sahara, Vatican City (The Holy See), Palestine, Somailand, Tibet, Tarim Basin/East Turkestan (However, we do not support extremists in the area; rather, we support a democratic & peaceful country), Hong Kong, Macau, Canton, Hainan, Guangxi, Ningxia, Sichuan, Min, Manchuria, Rapa Nui, Irian Jaya, Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh), Basque-Navarra, Catalonia, Valencia, the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Galicia-Asturias-Leon, Kurdistan, Molossia, Akhzivland, Bir Tawil (North Sudan), Abyei, Sealand, Liberland, Kugelmugel, Cheesistan, Talossa, Karelia, Sakha, Tatarstan, Königsberg, Komi, Altai, Siberia, Chukotka-Kamchatka, Darfur, Dagestan, Chechnya, Vikesland, Hout Bay, Naminara, Redonda, the Kingdom of Wallachia, Whangamomona, The Coral Sea Islands, North Dumpling Island, Goatlanndia (That's us), and all UN Member States as independent sovereign countries.

This is what we recognize as China:

We are also sanctioning China by buying less things from China and going to Walmart less.

We are intentionally vague about recognizing the sovereignty of Abkhazia, as well as Aragon, La Rioja, Transnistria, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales, Lappland, Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and South Brazil.

We recognize that the Cook Islands and Niue are countries in free association with New Zealand, and that South Brazil is in free association Brazil, and that Aruba, Curaçao, and Sint-Maarten are constituent countries with the Netherlands, and that Greenland and the Faroe Islands in free association with Denmark.

This is a map of countries based on recognition.


South Tyrol is part of Austria; the Senkaku Islands, Kuril Islands, and Sakhalin are part of Japan; Kashmir and Arunachal Pradesh are part of India; Bolivia is landlocked; the Hala'ib Triangle is part of Egypt; Ceuta and Melilla are part of Spain; Mayotte is part of France; Wake Island is part of the Marshall Islands; Gibraltar is part of the UK; The Machias Seal Island is part of Canada; Penghu, Kinmen, Matsu, Itu Aba, Macclesfield Bank, and the Pratas Islands are part of Taiwan; The Equator crosses through Peru; Crimea and the area near Rostov belongs to Ukraine (with Cossack areas having autonomy); Swains Island is part of Tokelau; South Ossetia is part of Sakartvelo (Georgia); the Falkland Islands are part of Britain; Qingdao is part of Germany (with jurisdiction like that of the Svalbard Treaty); and the Aozou Strip is a part of Chad.

We call the country directly east of India and directly west of Thailand Burma, not Myanmar, and the country bordering Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Turkey to the north Sakartvelo, because "Georgia" gets confusing.

South China Sea Disputes:

China has no claims on the South China Sea (their claims and island building are illegal); Itu Aba and the Pratas Islands belong to Taiwan; The Scarbourough Shoal belongs to the Philippines; Most of the Paracel Islands belong to Vietnam; and Malaysia, Brunei, Hong Kong, Macau, Hainan, Canton, and Indonesia also have some territory in the South China Sea. The rest is international waters.