
Welcome to Formosa, the largest province of Goatlanndia!

We have 11 districts: Formosa, Chaco, Santa Fe, Santiago del Estero, Córdoba, Tucumán, Catamarca, La Rioja, San Juan, Mendoza, and San Luis.

Our province is located north of Argentina, east of Chile, and south of Bolivia and Paraguay. It also borders the Parana District of Formosa de Sur province.

Our capital is located in Mendoza, which is also one of Goatlanndia's capitals.

The largest city is Santa Fe, with a population of 653,000 people, and the predominant language is Castilian (Spanish), but there are also speakers of Guaraní, Southern Quechua, Catalan, Yiddish, and Italian.

Formosa District

Chaco District

Santa Fe District

Santiago del Estero District

Córdoba District

Tucumán District

Catamarca District

La Rioja District

San Juan District

Mendoza District

San Luis District