
Citizen Count: 17

National Symbols

National Animal: Goat

National Bird: Tree Swallow

National Font: Helvetica

National Food: Tree Bark

National Herb: Rosemary

National Internet Browser: Google Chrome

National Mineral: Tourmaline

National Mountain: Huron Peak

National Succulent: Haworthia Fasciata

National Tree: Juniper

National Writing Utensil: Green Crayon

National Symbols


Official Languages:

-Aussie (or Australian, if you don't know what "Aussie" is)

-Brasilian (A conlang, not to be confused with Brazilian Portuguese)

-Argentine Castilian (Argentine Spanish)

-Danish Sign Language



-German (Standard Hochdeutsch)


-Hla'alua (Saaroa)


-Taiwanese (Minnan, Hokkien)

-Tok Pisin

Other Recognized Languages:

Ainu, Arabic, Asturian, Basque, Belarusian, Chamorro, Danish, Faroese, Finnish, French, Gilbertese, Greenlandic, Guaraní, Hakka, Hoanya, Indonesian, Japanese, Kanakanavu, Karen, Malay, Manglish, Norwegian, Niue, Numèè, Patuá, Rarotongan, Siraya, Southern Quechua, Swedish, Tamil, Tokelauan, Welsh


National Anthem:

"Wenn Ich Auf Hohen Bergen Steh"

Other patriotic songs :

"Едет трактор" (A popular Russian song dating back to the late 16th century)

"We Don't Like Tony Abbott" (Which represents our nation perfectly)

"Tarantella Napoletana" (A stereotypical Italian song)

"Bill Grogan's Goat" (A song about a goat)

"Down Under" (Featured in our National Dance, see below).


National Sports: Biking and Kiiking (An Estonian Swing Sport)

National Dance: The Second Person From The Left In The "Down Under" Music Video At 1:35. We call it the "Ouagadougou," and it has a great spiritual significance.

Other Sports:

Football: We are so terrible at FIFA that we don't even participate in it (as well as not having a team at all). However, we will never pass up the chance to watch other countries beat Argentina at it.

Hobbyhorsing: We think this is a great sport and support the development of it across the world.

Extreme Ironing: We hope to participate in this some day.

Swimming: It can save your life. You should learn if you don't know how to swim yet.

Walking: There's nothing wrong with taking a nice stroll (unless it is into a giant pit of lava). We recommend that you learn to walk if you don't know how to yet and are physically able to.

National Dance - Watch 2nd person from the left

Kiiking (An Estonian Swing Sport) - One of Goatlanndia's 2 National Sports

National Holidays

Tony Abbott Day - November 4

Umbrella Day - November 9

Arbitrary Arbitrariness Day -November 11

World Kindness Day - November 13

Create Your Own Country Day - November 22

Goatlanndia National Day - November 23

The Day After National Day Day - November 24th

Wolf Day - November 25th

Goatlanndic Boxing Day - November 26

Eric Day - 1st Friday of November

You can click on the events to see descriptions on this calendar.

Other Important Information

How We Write Our Dates: dd-mm-yyyy (March 21st, 1984, would be 21-3-1984)

How We Measure Things: Metric & Celsius Systems

How We Drive: Right-Sided Driving in most cases (Norfolk Island, Kiritimati, Anglesey, Sydney, Curtin, and Malacca drive on the left)

What Sockets We Use: Types A, B, C, E, F, I, K in most cases (D, G, H, J, L, M, N seldom used)

Daylight Savings Time: We don't use Daylight Savings Time

ccTLD: .ka

Adjectival Form: Goatlanndic

Demonym: Goatlannder

Official Flag of Goatlanndia

Simple Flag of Goatlanndia

(Without Coat of Arms, Easier to Draw)

Coat of Arms