
Welcome to the Alpine Province!

This province is split into seventeen different districts: Peninsula, Switzerland, Colorado, Parana, Huron, Audubon, Chino, Cerritos, Pasadena, Evergreen, Surrey, Nederland, Casper, Paonia, Waterton, and Pepito Moreno.

We border Argentina, Chile, Canada, Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Australia, the USA, and the Straya and Formosa Districts of Goatlanndia.

Our capital is located in Highlands Ranch, Colorado District.

We have one of the capitals of Goatlanndia, also in Highlands Ranch, Colorado District.

Peninsula District

Peninsula District is located on the Valdes Peninsula in southeastern South America near the Atlantic Ocean.

We have a variety of wildlife, including whales, sea lions, and even penguins, all along a beautiful coastline.

This district is predominately Castilian (Spanish) speaking, and the largest city is Puerto Pirámides, with a population of around 500.

Switzerland District

The Switzerland District is located between Argentina and Chile, in the Andes.

We have lovely lakes, magnificent mountains, as well as ski resorts. There a large German, Swiss, Austrian, and Italian alpine influence on the architecture.

This district is predominately Castilian (Spanish) speaking, with some German and English speakers as well, and the largest city is San Carlos de Bariloche, with a population of about 114,000.

Colorado District

Colorado District is located in central-eastern Colorado, and is surrounded by the United States.

We have foothills, many parks, the Colorado School of Mines, the University of Denver, parts of the Denver Tech Centre, as well as the Red Rocks Amphitheater. We also have one of the capitals of Goatlanndia, in Highlands Ranch.

This district is predominately English speaking, and the largest city is Centennial, with a population of about 108,000.

Parana District

Parana District is located on the border of Uruguay and Brasil, north of Buenos Aires, west of the Uruguay River, and east of the Paraná River.

We have a lot of wetlands and swamps, but also a plain. We have a very tropical climate, and it is very wet here.

The district is predominately Castilian (Spanish) speaking, and the largest city is Corrientes, with a population of about 328,700.

Huron District

Huron District is located in central Colorado, in the Sawatch Range of the Rocky Mountains.

This district consists of Mt. Huron, as well as the Harrison Flats and a couple surrounding peaks near the Apostle Peaks. Mt. Huron is the national mountain of Goatlanndia.

This predominate language in the area would probably be Marmot, as there are no people who live here permanently, and the largest city would most likely be a campsite near the trail-head of Mt. Huron or by the Harrison Flats.

Audubon District

Audubon District is in central Colorado, in the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains.

This district consists of an area between Mt. Audubon, Paiute Peak, and Pawnee Peak.

The predominate language here would probably be Elk, since there are no people who live here permanently. The largest city is probably a nearby campsite.

Chino District

Chino District is east of the city of Los Angeles, in western North America.

Chino District has the cities of Chino and Chino Hills, and also includes some of the foothills nearby.

The predominate language spoken here is English, and the largest city is Chino, with a population of around 88,000.

Cerritos District

Cerritos District is south of the city of Los Angeles, in western North America.

We consist of just the city of Cerritos, and we have a library, some parks, a performing arts centre, among others. This is one of the largest communities of Taiwanese in North America.

The predominate languages are Taiwanese and Mandarin, and the largest and only city is Cerritos, with a population of 50,000.

Pasadena District

Pasadena District is north of the city of Los Angeles, in western North America.

We consist of just part of the city of Pasadena, and we have a beautiful city hall, a convention centre, as well as the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), arguably the best universities in the world.

The predominate language is English, and the largest and only city is Pasadena, with a population of 142,000.

Evergreen District

Evergreen District is located south of San Francisco.

We consist of the area of evergreen spruce trees at the entrance of San Francisco International Airport (SFO), between the roads heading into the airport.

The predominate language is most likely Ant, as no people have their homes in Evergreen District. Nobody knows what the largest city is.

Surrey District

Surrey District is located north of Seattle, south of Vancouver, in western North America near the Canadian city of Surrey.

We have a lot of US and Canadian customs offices and border checks, who chose to locate their offices in Goatlanndia, probably because they realised what a great country we are.

The predominate language is English, although there are many signs in French as well. The largest city would be a portion of the nearby city of Blaine, which has a population of about 5,000 people.

Nederland District

Nederland District is located in central-east Colorado, west of the city of Boulder.

We have the Barker Reservoir, as well as the city of Nederland. There is an Ace Hardware store, and a German restaurant.

The predominate language is English, but the name of the city is in Dutch. The largest and only city is Nederland, which has a population of 1,500.

Casper District

Casper District is located in central Wyoming.

Casper District has the city of Casper. We have many parks and trails, a geological museum, the North Platte River, and we are not far from some ski and other outdoor areas.

The predominate language here is English, and the largest and only city is Casper, which has 60,000 people.

Paonia District

Paonia District is located in western Colorado.

We have the city of Paonia, mountains, apple orchards, and a river going through this district, with some stunningly gorgeous views.

The predominate language of Paonia District is English, and the largest city is Paonia, with a population of 1,400.

Waterton District

Waterton District is located in central North America, north of the US state of Montana and south of the Canadian province of Alberta.

We have Waterton Lake, parts of Waterton National Park and Glacier National Park, many mountain, and the city of Waterton.

The predominate language is English, with some French, and the largest city is Waterton, with a population of 105 people.

Perito Moreno District

Perito Moreno District is located in southern South America, in the Patagonia region, between Chile and Argentina.

We have the Perito Moreno glacier, the town of Puerto Bandera, and parts of Lago Argentino.

The predominate language is Castilian (Spanish), and the largest city is Puerto Bandera.