
We are a direct democracy, where each citizen votes directly on laws and other things.

Ærøskøbing, Highlands Ranch, and Mendoza are our three capitals.

We are a unitary state. The provinces, however, can set regional regulations, but overall, the decisions are made by a central government.

  • Declaration of Independence:

Dear Spain,

We are a country now. Please don't freak out and declare war on us.

And tell Argentina not to do that either.

Best Wishes,



  • The Goatlanndic Important Document of Laws:
  1. No Doing Things With Bad Intentions
  2. Freedom Of Speech (Just try not to go out of your way to be a jerk)
  3. Freedom Of The Press (CNN is welcome, but we really prefer the BBC)
  4. Freedom Of Assembly
  5. Freedom Of Belief (Unless it contradicts Law 1)
  6. Gender Equality (Includes protections for transgender people, as well as equal treatment for all genders)
  7. Marriage Equality (You love who you love)
  8. Racial/Ethnic Equality
  9. Equality
  10. Right To A Fair Trial
  11. No Slavery
  12. No wasting food or littering
  13. Direct Democracy based off of half +1 of citizens who vote, rounded up, and referendums which go into a second round need only a simple majority
  14. At Least 80% of Holidays Must Be In November
  15. No death penalty, corporal punishment, or torture; people who commit violent crimes are sent to another country (preferably Norway or another Nordic Country because they are more humane), and nonviolent criminals will be given a fine, and no mandatory minimums
  16. You must stand when listening to the national anthem, if physically possible, because it reduces the risk of heart disease
  17. Right To Add More Stuff On This List With A Vote
  18. No Removing Any Laws Before And Including This One, But Minor Changes Possible
  19. Cannabis and Coca Leaf Allowed For MEDICAL Use (Nationally, but each province/region has their own regulations as well)
  20. Bestiality legal in some cases with consent from the animal (Must provide indisputable proof of consent)
  21. Abortions legal in cases of maternal life, mental health, health, rape, severe fetal defects, and/or socioeconomic factors (it is legal on request as well, but strongly discouraged if there is no good reason), and you can appeal for other reasons
  22. If you purposefully go out and kill an animal or plant just "for fun," or for no apparent reason except for a sudden desire to kill it, you have to make sure that it doesn't die painfully, then eat it and put every part of its carcass to good use, and then think about what you've done while feeling remorse
  23. Alcohol consumption is legal if you are over the regional age requirement and are not planning to drive a car or other vehicle until most of the alcohol is out of your system
  24. Freedom to not wear a bike helmet if you don't want to while biking or motorcycling (but you really should)
  25. Altruistic Surrogacy is legal
  26. You are allowed to have a gun if a) You are not violent, b) You won't use it while on drugs, c) You won't use it while drunk, d) You are mentally healthy, and e) The reason you want it for does not contradict law 1, or anything else on this list
  27. Don't use handheld devices which interfere with driving while driving, and wear a seatbelt
  28. Learn how to swim if you are physically able to
  29. Right to an education
  30. Don't kill endangered species

We have 4 heads of state, which don't actually have any power (just purely symbolic). However, they can represent us on the world stage if needed. They are Alexander Van der Bellen, 柯文哲 (Ko Wen-Je), Angela Strobel, and Yogurt the Goat.

Alexander Van der Bellen

Alexander Van der Bellen is one of the heads of state of Goatlanndia.

He is also the president of Austria (as an independent), as well as a former economics professor at the University of Vienna and the former leader of the Austrian Green Party. Alexander Van der Bellen was also the Commissioner of the City of Vienna for Universities and Research, and a Vienna City Councilor. His parents were refugees fleeing Stalin's invasion of Estonia. His political views are left-leaning and liberal.

Van der Bellen is from Vienna, Austria, but fled to the state of Tyrol as a child in order to escape the Soviet Union's advancement on Vienna. He graduated from the University of Innsbruck.

He likes Donald Duck comics, and has "very healthy lungs," according to his medical records.

柯文哲 (Ko Wen-Je)

Ko Wen-Je is one of the heads of state of Goatlanndia.

He is also the mayor of Taipei City (as an independent). Ko Wen-Je was a doctor at the National Taiwan University Hospital, and was the first to bring ECMO to Taiwan. He also taught at the National Taiwan University College of Medicine, in addition to being a combat medic in Taiwan's military. His political views are socially liberal and pro-Taiwan Independence.

He is from Hsinchu City, Taiwan, and graduated from National Taiwan University.

He once biked from Keelung to Pingtung (520 km, or 323 mi) in 28.5 hours at the age of 56.

Here is a video of him running enthusiastically:

Ko Wen Je Running

Angela Strobel

Angela Strobel is one of the heads of state of Goatlanndia.

Angela is a pretty wonderful person who can't wait for the arrival of the Emoji Movie, which comes out in theatres on July 28th, 2017. Also, on July 4th, 2017, Angela was watching the Bee Movie at her friend's house. After our Highlands Ranch capitol was attacked on the same day, Angela stoically offered to move the capitol temporarily to in front of her house. She is the only head of state to actually live in Goatlanndia.

Angela is from Highlands Ranch, USA (When she was born, Goatlanndia wasn't a country yet).

Her idea of a perfect date is camping out in a Walmart for 24 hours.


Yogurt is an Appenzell Goat who lives near Toulouse, in Southern France, and is one of the heads of state of Goatlanndia. She is also currently the Prime Minister.

She is extremely skilled at assisting in the production of dairy products, such as cheese, butter, and yogurt.

She enjoys feasting on grass, hay, grains, aluminium cans, jeans, and cardboard.

None of these Appenzell Goats are Yogurt. They are just here to show you roughly what she looks like.