
Goatlanndia strongly believes in renewable, sustainable, and ecologically/environmentally-friendly sources of energy.

Although we are not officially participating in the Paris Climate Accord since we are not yet members of the United Nations, we are moving towards reducing carbon emissions and investing in renewable, environmentally sustainable energy sources, and participating in it unofficially.


One major source of energy is wind power. Goatlanndia, alongside with windmills of our own, is assisted with the Middelgrunden Wind Farm in the Øresund Strait, near Copenhagen. We are also aided with the windmill on North Dumpling Island, as well as with some in the Netherlands.


Goatlanndia is trying to follow the examples of New Zealand and Iceland and supports the usage and development of geothermal energy.


Tidal Power/Wave Power-Ameland, Netherlands (We have partnered with the Netherlands on islands and coastlines such as the ones on Ameland, in order to implement turbines/other energy gathering methods on or near the dikes).

Dams-We do not plan on building any new dams besides from the ones already built.


Solar power will be implemented on roofs of buildings, and wherever possible.


We will use some natural gas, but much less than other sources of energy as it is non-renewable (but it is still our most used nonrenewable).


We want to work with Norway to increase the prices of petroleum so that people will be more conscious when using petrol-powered vehicles/other machines, possibly decreasing the amount of greenhouse gasses.


-Energy making projects in exercise machines and other appliances

-Turbines on revolving doors

-Turbines on drinking fountains

-Turbines on shopping carts