Supporting your Mental Health

During these difficult times, it is important to make sure you are practicing self-care and consider your mental health and well-being. Below are some tools to help navigate and learn how to support well-being during this uncertain time.

Text4Hope is an FREE subscription to daily Cognitive Behavioural Therapy messages that are written by mental health therapist. If you have had increased symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression, this is a great resource to take advantage of. This service is expected to run for the next 3 months. CLICK HERE to read more about this service.

Text COVID19HOPE to 393939 to subscribe.

If in crisis, please call 1-877-303-2642

Thought the physical building may be closed, CMHA is still offering services! Peer Support and Counselling are still available to those who are in need through e-mail and phone.

CLICK HERE for more information

Alberta Health Services

CLICK HERE for great pointers and tips from Alberta Health Services regarding COVID-19 and your Mental Health

CLICK HERE to listen to a podcast from AHS Addiction and Mental Health Provincial Medical Director Dr. Nicholas Mitchell. He goes over information and advice about caring for ourselves during this time.

Togetherall is a clinically moderated, online peer-to-peer mental health community that empowers individuals to anonymously seek and provide support 24/7. Togetherall is free to all Albertans aged 16+, register using your Alberta postal code

The Mental Health Commission of Canada has put together a COVID-19 resource hub. This will help streamline information as well as give helpful tips for safe-guarding your mental health. CLICK HERE to learn more

Explore the rest of the website for activities, videos, workouts and more!