Health & Fitness

Getting active can be hard when we are asked to self-isolate and practice social distancing.

Here you will find Exercise information and Challenges to help you meet the daily recommended physical activity requirements!

Fitness Challenge!


Grab your music, a watch, and some water... It's Challenge time!

Complete as many rounds of the circuit as you can! Try again in one week and see if you've improved!

Complete 30 seconds of the exercise followed by a 30 second break, this is known as 30:30 in HIIT. Complete the first exercise then move on to the next, until you complete the circuit.

Once you have gone through all of the exercises once that counts as ONE circuit complete.

  1. Squats (30 seconds squat, 30 seconds rest)

  2. Jumping jacks (30 seconds jacks, 30 seconds rest)

  3. Push ups [from knees if needed] (30 seconds push-up, 30 seconds rest)

  4. Lunges [switching between right and left] (30 seconds lunges, 30 seconds rest)

  5. Crunches (30 seconds crunches, 30 seconds rest.)

Circuit Complete! Rest for 1 minute and repeat the circuit, if you can.


  • If it hurts, stop.

  • Aim for 2-3 rounds your first time. If it's too easy, bump up the intensity and keep going. If it's too hard, slow down your movements and consider taking a break or stopping there!

  • Warm up and stretch! Doing one circuit at a slower speed is usually enough to warm up and counts towards your total circuits complete!

  • Don't push yourself too far. You want it to be hard but enjoyable.

  • Take water breaks when needed!

  • Use a stop watch, clock, your phone or any thing that can count seconds to keep your time.


Suggestions for exercise:

  • Get 30-60 minutes per day of activity! This can include weight lifting, running/walking, sports, etc. Gain more benefits by being active for at least 5 hours a week!

  • Medium to high intensity resistance-training (body weight or weighted) should be done at least 2 days per week to help aid muscle growth and maintenance.

  • Spend less time sitting! Even light activity, such as a 5 minute walk, can offset some risks.

  • Increase amount and intensity gradually over time to improve fitness skills.

  • Stretch for about 20 minutes per day, especially before and after activity to improve mobility and flexibility.

Cardio & Benefits

  • Improves overall fitness; it also has known benefits for both physical and emotional health.

  • Prevent or reduce the chance of developing some cancers, diabetes, depression, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis.

  • A cardio exercise plan should be simple, practical, and realistic. Specific equipment (such as cardio machines) may be used but are not needed.

  • Examples: Running, jogging, high intensity interval training (HIIT), jumping jacks etc.

This is a great Kick Boxing cardio Video to follow along CLICK HERE

Download the FREE HASfit app: Android OR iPhone

or google beginner cardio workouts for more videos!

Resistance Training & Benefits

  • Improves metabolism and promotes fat loss. Increase in muscle leads to more daily calories being burnt. The more muscle we have the higher our metabolism is and the more calories we will burn in a day.

  • Helps fight depression, by boosting energy and releasing feel good chemicals.

  • Reduces risk of disease and protects joints. This is especially important for healthy ageing. Cardio helps our joints stay strong and our bodies healthy.

  • Examples: Body weight exercises, strength training, hypertrophy training, circuit training, push-ups, etc.

Here is an easy to follow, no equipment needed, 45min Resistance training routine CLICK HERE

Google: beginner resistance training for more videos!

Make your Own at Home Workout!

Visit and choose 5 - 8 exercises to complete!

Be sure to choose an exercise for each body part for a well rounded workout. OR choose from their drop down menu.

Stretch it OUT

Stretching and flexibility are ares of health that are important for healthy aging.

Stretching 20 - 30 minutes per-day can increase flexibility, range of motion, and improve mental health.

Somethings to Remember:

  1. Breath - Slow controlled breathing is best for stretching. In through the nose, and out through the mouth

  2. Hold - Hold each stretch for 20 - 30 seconds. The first part of the stretch is 'easy' and lasts about 10 seconds. For the next 10 - 20 seconds try to extend deeper into the stretch.

  3. Slight bend in the join - Locking our joints straight is not beneficial and can lead to injury. Keep a slight bend in your joints reduces the risk of injury.

  4. NO PAIN - If you feel pain while stretching STOP. There should be slight discomfort but never pain. Readjust your stretch or reduce the depth.

Stretching with RT Justine!


  1. Sit on a hard surface (the floor) with one leg stretched out and the other tucked beside your leg

  2. Straight leg with toes potining up, keep your back straight (if you feel a stretch here, hold for 20 - 30 seconds. If not continue on)

  3. Lean forward reaching with your hands to your pointed toe (Hold for 20 - 30 seconds)

  4. Repeat with other leg


  1. Stand with hand against wall, arms out and stretched with a slight bend in the elbow

  2. Keeping knees slightly bent, step back 1 - 2 feet with right leg. Heel and foot flat should be on the floor. If you need more of a stretch step further back

  3. Repeat with other leg


  1. Sitting in a chair, stretch your legs out in front of you

  2. Bend your ankles to point your toes towards yourself, then bend your ankles to point away from yourself

  3. Start to slowly rotate your ankle joint in circles - both clockwise and counter clockwise

  4. Repeat for 10 - 20 seconds per direction



  1. Standing straight up, feet shoulders width apart, take your right arm and bring it across your body

  2. Take your left hand and place it behind your elbow, holding your right arm. If you need more of a stretch - hold your arm below the elbow

  3. Hold for 20 - 30 seconds and repeat same with left arm

Back (Cat/Cow)

  1. On your hands and keens - start with your back in a neutral/flat position. Head should be looking forwad

  2. Arch your back like a scared cat. Think about pulling your belly button towards your spine. Head should be looking down.

  3. Return to a neutral position.

  4. Bring your back inward like a cow. Think about pushing your belly button and spine to the floor. Head should be looking up

  5. Repeat from Cat to Cow to Cat to Cow (multiple times) SLOWLY for 30 - 60 seconds.


  1. Rotate your neck SLOWLY in a clock wise and counter clock wise movements. 10 seconds per rotation, repeat 2 - 3 times.

To follow along with a full body stretching routine CLICK HERE