Hobbies and More

Feeling creative? Doing a project is a great way to pass the time. Below are some suggestions to try while you are at home!

Feeling Crafty

Do you have an old tea up in the cupboard taking up space? CLICK HERE to find out 7 ways to turn it into something new

Have some old golf balls in the house? Spruce them up with some paint to make garden decorations. CLICK HERE to learn more

Ever wanted to learn to knit? This is your time! Knitting is an inexpensive hobby and the results are beautiful! CLICK HERE to follow these easy instructions

Maybe crocheting is more your speed. CLICK HERE to watch some instructional videos

Crossstiching is a delicate art, but can help pass the time. CLICK HERE to find basic instructions.

Wanted to be the next Picasso? CLICK HERE to enjoy lots of different FREE painting tutorials

Head to Pintrest to check out more options!

The craft and hobby store Michaels has a YouTube Channel. This channel has lots of different craft ideas that you can create at home. CLICK HERE to look at the videos.


Now may be the perfect time to try a new hobby! This could include trying a puzzle, painting, or reading. Below are online options if you do not have the supplies at home.

CLICK HERE to try your hand at a puzzle. There are lots of different options and difficulty levels


CLICK HERE to either print a colouring page OR colour online.

Feeling like you need to give your brain a challenge. CLICK HERE to explore different brain teasers.

Thinking about picking up a book, but don't have any? CLICK HERE to explore the Calgary Public Library online resource

Feeling like this is the perfect time to become ballet dancer? CLICK HERE to view videos and lessons from professional ballerinas!