It is recommended to disable hyperthreading from the bios.

Note: linux counts the cpu from 0, so 0,1,2,3 etc.

Set Max CPU load:

type default to set the system default value

or set the maximum number of CPUs the kernel needs to boot, which is useful in a player system that does not require a lot of resources and therefore limiting the CPUs can be useful...

example on a system with 4 cpu to boot only two write 2 cpus


type default to set the system default value

or indicate the cpu to isolate at startup. The isolated cpus will not be used by the system, so they are useful for moving IRQs and player processes around.

I recommend isolating the cpu after the cpu, so the cpu0 will take care of the generic processes.


1 isolate the cpu1

2 isolate the cpu2

1-3 isolate the cpu from 1 to 3

1,3 isolates the cpu 1 and 3

1,2,8 isolates the cpu1,2 and 8

Kernel doc.:
Isolate CPUs from the general scheduler.

The argument is a cpu list, as described above.

This option can be used to specify one or more CPUs

to isolate from the general SMP balancing and scheduling

algorithms. You can move a process onto or off an

"isolated" CPU via the CPU affinity syscalls or cpuset.

<cpu number> begins at 0 and the maximum value is

"number of CPUs in system - 1".

This option is the preferred way to isolate CPUs. The

alternative -- manually setting the CPU mask of all

tasks in the system -- can cause problems and

suboptimal load balancer performance.

Set nohz_full rcu_nocbs:

the specified list of CPUs whose tick will be stopped whenever possible. The boot CPU will be forced outside the range to maintain the timekeeping.

enable if you are using Set_isolate_cpu

Set nohz:

Boottime enable/disable dynamic ticks

Try enabling this when not using Set_isolate_cpu and Set nohz_full rcu_nocbs


Default values:

System that starts with only 2 cpu the rest default

nohz enabled

System with 4 cpu: isolated cpu 1,2 and 3

cpu0 will be used for generic processes, use the other functions of this menu to move IRQ, processes and players to the isolated cpu.

System with 4 cpu but only two to go

cpu isolated cpu1

These are just examples, you can find your configuration by experimenting.

It's quite mathematical.