Transferring files-two PCs

There is no need to have a samba server active for the sole purpose of transferring files between one PC and another.

On Linux and Osx systems you can simply use the command line to copy files or directories from one PC and another, using




Example of using the scp command:

scp root@ /media/mymisic/

copy from the remote host the flac file found in /media/music locally in /media/mymusic

scp /media/mymisic/file.flac root@

copy the file from the local computer to the host

To copy a directory simply add the option -r

scp -r root@ /media/mymisic/

scp -r /media/mymisic/milesdavis root@

In Windows you can use WinSCP

Other tool is FileZilla all platforms

WARNING: make sure you have ssh active on the target PC (WI > System config adavanced > TWK)