
Squeezelite is a small headless Logitech Squeezebox emulator. It is aimed at supporting high quality audio including USB DAC based output at multiple sample rates.

The player is controlled using, and media is streamed from, a Logitech Media Server instance running somewhere on the local network.

Squeezelite-R2 was born from a marcoc1712 project, the aim was to allow squeezelite to directly manage the PCM format and therefore its perfect integration with the C-3PO plugin by the same author. For more info see here.

Currently the same patch is contained in Squeezelite, maintained by ralph-irving.

Squeezelite-R2, unlike squeezelite does not support resample option, have been removed from the code.

Squeezelite/Squeezelite-R2 will not play audio after making all settings in GentooPlayer

First try disabling alsa parameters:

If it still doesn't work try changing the audio output, by default GentooPlayer uses the hw card: but on some sound cards it doesn't work, so you have to change it.

Check the audio outputs with the aplay -L command from shell:

To edit the squeezelite or squeezelite-R2 configuration file use the sqc or sqc2 commands respectively
and try changing the audio.


SL_OPTS="-C 1 -o plughw:CARD=J20,DEV=0 -r 44100-384000 -b 2080:3528 -n GentooPlayer-R2 -m 00:e0:4s:78:d1:46 "

SL_OPTS="-C 1 -o front:CARD=J20,DEV=0 -r 44100-384000 -b 2080:3528 -n GentooPlayer-R2 -m 00:e0:4s:78:d1:46 "

SL_OPTS="-C 1 -o default:CARD=J20 -r 44100-384000 -b 2080:3528 -n GentooPlayer-R2 -m 00:e0:4s:78:d1:46 "

If you use as a RoonServer and squeezelite endpoint, in RoonServere disable Flac compression and check the volume control...