
GentooPlayer offers several kernels. The two main categories are between realtime and non-realtime kernels.

on x86_64 images the non-realtime kernel is a pf-kernel and ck-kernel

The two categories of kernels are divided by configuration.

  • Kernels that have the abbreviation ST in their name are kernels obtained from a "standard" configuration (the one used by most distributions).

  • All other kernels are obtained from a custom configuration:

They have in common that any hardware and/or software support that I did not consider useful for audio playback (wfi, bluetoohut, tv, tft screens, joysticks, pci sound cards, integrated sound cards, etc etc etc etc.) has been removed.

Then they differ in how the kernel handles processes, system timers, kernel tickless, RCU and more.

Kernels with *core* in the name are only for intel CPUs...

Don't ask me which kernel is best for you and what features they have. If you have time and desire you should try them and choose the best one for you.

First choose between RT and NO-RT and then continue with the various configurations.