
TigerVNC is a high-performance, platform-neutral implementation of VNC (Virtual Network Computing), a client/server application that allows users to launch and interact with graphical applications on remote machines.

In GentooPlayer is only available on x86_64 images with Xfce4.

Enabling the TigerVnc server on GentooPlayer

Start service (Commands must be given in a system shell or ssh connection as root user):

rc-service tigervnc restart

Add at boot:

rc-update add tigervnc default

You can use TigerVnc Client or another VNC client on another PC or tablet or phone to connect to the desktop on GentooPlayer.

Example VNC Viewer on tablet

Open VNC Viewer, and click add

Insert GP-IP:5901

add Name (by choice)

Click on CREATE

Open the connection and insert Password

The Password is:


WARNING: it is recommended to change the vnc password, to do so as a normal user (gp no root) give the command:
