Quick Start Guide

At first boot GentooPlayer resizes the root partition and then the disk..

GentooPlayer works in all cases with a LAN cable connected to the network.


note: ssh is disabled by default, if you want to enable it go to System Config Advanced > TWK various

Linux and Osx:

open a terminal and type

ssh root@ip-Gentooplayer


ssh root@



App for mobile or tablet:



GentooPlayer ip address can be found through programs that scan networks:

The systems passwords are:

X86_64: gentooplayer

rpi: gentooplayer

bbb: gentooplayer

sparkyusbbridge: gentooplayer

It is highy suggested that you change the root password for security reasons using the Linux comand passwd.



The web interface can be reached through any browser (it works only on PC or tablet) at the address:


Info Rete

If a LAN network is not available, GentooPlayer creates a hotspot

From version 3.50 you can connect to the hotspot simply by entering the password (gentooplayer).


*for earlier versions follow the link below:

*see this information


see also

configure the network via web interface (

Important: Once you have configured the network (LAN or Wi-Fi) and verified that it is working, the hotpsot must be disabled.

The hotspot must be disabled because if for any reason the network is DW, the system at startup creates the hotspot again and deletes the network configuration.

First Start

Enable the software you want to use

only for Rpi - choose the dac (the system will be rebooted)

Configure Players