Mount Remote Disk

Before starting the script does a network scan, so it looks a little slow.

List Disk cifs: should list the cifs shares on the network, it doesn't always work
List Disk nfs:
should list the nfs shares on the network, it doesn't always work
Type IP Server
: type the ip of the server
Sharing Type
: choose between cifs or nfs
: let loose if you don't know
Type share directory
: type the exact name of the shared directory you want to mount on the network
Type share folder
: name of your choice for the mountpoint

Username: leave guest if sharing does not have a user and password

Password: leave NULL if sharing does not have a user and password

Enable at boot: choose "enable" if you want to mount the disk automatically at system startup

Click EXCUTE to execute, in case of failure read the output of the script, often sugerisce the solution to be inserted in options