My WPI Education 

I am currently pursuing a degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. This program entails rigorous coursework in Physics and Engineering, with an emphasis on practical applications through project-based learning. Additionally, the curriculum mandates a comprehensive study of Calculus, Differential Equations, Statistics, Probability, and Linear Algebra within the electrical engineering department. Furthermore, I have complemented my studies with various physics courses to deepen my understanding of the subject.

At Worcester Polytechnic Institute, I have also engaged in the Teacher Preparation Program, which equips students to excel as STEM educators. Through a comprehensive range of courses, I have gained insights into effective classroom management, tailored learning strategies, accommodations such as 504 plans, and the Massachusetts Candidate Assessments of Performance. Additionally, I have completed a Sheltered English Immersion course, enhancing my ability to support students from diverse cultural backgrounds who are in the early stages of English language acquisition.

The Interactive Qualifying Project (IQP) represents a pivotal component of the undergraduate experience at WPI, providing students with the opportunity to address societal challenges through scientific inquiry. For my IQP, I collaborated on a project centered around teaching at Worcester Technical High School. This endeavor was supplemented by coursework exploring education policies, pedagogical theories, and effective lesson-planning strategies.