High Expectations

Proficient Descriptor

Clearly communicates high standards for student work, effort, and behavior, and consistently reinforces the expectation that all students can meet these standards through effective effort, rather than innate ability.

Why is it Important?

Genuinely believing that all students can meet the standards through effective effort is a vital part of educators' motivation. This belief is particularly crucial when teaching STEM subjects, where many students struggle to feel confident. Maintaining consistently high standards helps students understand the level of work expected in class. This is especially important for managing student behavior. Frequent communication of these high standards fosters a sense of accountability among students. Although it may initially feel uncomfortable for students, adhering to these high standards is what enables them to progress and grow.

My Progress

During my practicum, I made a concerted effort to remind students of the high standards I held for them, a practice particularly important in teaching Physics. Given the challenging nature of the subject, many students struggle with the content and harbor low expectations for their own abilities. Unfortunately, this can translate into low standards of behavior as well. To address this, I emphasized these standards through frequent communication. Additionally, I designed a lesson plan aimed at illustrating that success in learning is based on effort rather than innate ability. In this lesson, I shared my own educational journey and those of others, aiming to instill confidence in students and demonstrate that they are capable of achieving success.

Link to Lesson Plan Designed to Communicate High Expectations

Electromagnetic Waves & Photoelectric Effect Lesson Plan