Well-Structured Units and Lessons

Proficient Descriptor 

Adapts as needed and implements standards-based units comprised of well-structured lessons with challenging tasks and measurable outcomes; appropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, , resources, and grouping; purposeful questioning; and strategic use of technology and digital media; such that students are able to learn the knowledge and skills defined in state standards/local curricula.

Why is it Important?

Well-structured units and lessons are the recipe for student success. The thoughtful creation of a lesson plan ensures that your class runs smoothly and efficiently. Most lesson plans center around a learning objective or standard, indicating student objectives. These objectives, combined with subject matter knowledge, guide the backward design process to create a sequence for student instruction.

Detailed lesson plans vary from teacher to teacher. Some prefer handwritten plans, heavily outlining content, while others opt for digitized plans with numerous sublinks. Both types reflect intent and purpose in utilizing classroom time efficiently, crucial given its limited nature in achieving student goals. Well-structured unit plans also include resources and digital media to aid teachers in adapting to unforeseen circumstances or catering to diverse student needs.

My Progress

During my practicum, I designed numerous lesson and unit plans, totaling over four different units. These plans covered a range of content matter and encompassed various types of lessons. One such example is the Waves Unit Plan, a digital document meticulously organized for the Electromagnetic Waves unit, spanning two weeks of classes. Each day of the week is linked to a lesson plan, with space provided below for any additional notes or modifications.

Additionally, I have included a link to a sample lesson plan. I predominantly utilized the WPI Short Lesson Plan formatting for my planning, known for its comprehensive detail. Each activity is linked and includes suggested time periods. Moreover, it clearly outlines student objectives at the outset, aiding in focused teaching based on a detailed list of standards.

Link to Weekly Unit Plan

Wave Unit Overview