Obstetric 3D/4D scan

Thanks to 3D / 4D ultrasound scanning technology, you can now understand the world of your unborn baby. Enjoy this special bonding experience with your baby!

3D / 4D imaging can play an important role in differentiating abnormal conditions in the fetal anatomy and is occasionally used, whenever necessary, to better visualize fetal structures.

In addition, it is possible to assess to some extent its neurodevelopmental condition by observing its targeted movements.

We offer 3D / 4D ultrasound if you want to see how your baby is doing. A 3D ultrasound scan lets you see your baby's progress in real life in the form of a static, 3D image. On the other hand, if you want to take animations with you in the form of a video, we can store for you small video clips of the fetal movements. This enables you to watch part of your baby's activity before it is even born.

Fetus opening the eyes


not very happy

finger to the nose


grimace of dissatisfaction


relaxing the umbilical cord as this gently press the neck of the baby