Results from november 2019


This month we worked together with Croatia and Slovenia. We decided that the theme of our cooperation would be legends.

First, we talked about it through the eTwinning platform. Then the presentations were made. We met online through Skype on Thursday, 28th of November and showed what we had done.

Below you can see the presentations and some pics from the Polish point of view:

Poland November 2019 - 0.pptx


This is the November assignment from Landvik school. This time we entered into a collaboration down Croatia and Slovenia. The cooperation was partly organized through etwinning. We talked together in there and created a task that was about sharing legendary story and adventure. We shared these between us via screen sharing on skype. It was exciting for the students to meet other children from other countries and hear / see how they had solved the task.

Norway November 2019.pdf


Croatia FAST November 2019


Slovenia November 2019.pptx


Denmark November project 2019
Denmark 11.12 - Fritid i DK
Denmark 11.12 - Mig selv og klassen
Denmark 11.12 - Danmark
Denmark 11.12 - Billeder af norgesprojekt til Lenette.
Denmark 11.12 - Din by Odense