Results from March 2018

In October last year we shared information of the ICT software we use in each country. In March 2018 we will try to use either a well known software as described in October or a software we got to know from the inspiration we shared.

Once again we will get inspired from Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy and now each teacher will choose which levels to focus on. Special focus this month is which options the chosen software offers in relation to self-learning so that the pupil is challenged optimally in relation to the zone of proximal development.

The products and descriptions from this month you will find right here on this page.


This month we want to introduce the learning platform Campus increment. The pupils are logging on with their FEIDE account. The teacher can use it as flip classroom. The pupils have to watch videos before each lesson do tasks and watch more videos. It can be used as mentioned in the program matematikfessor for pupils who needs extra teaching or wants to work differentiated on a higher or lower level.

One of our teachers have started working for Campus this year. He is making education films for campus simultaneous as he is working as a teacher for the 6. grade at our school. Read his statements here

We let a pupil make a screencast how the program is supposed to be used. She is a pupil in the 6. grade at our school.

Campus increment is a program which is based on the self-learning aspect in mathematics . The pupils use this program in homework and on school. The pupil who showed us the use of the program talked about how they watch short film clips and afterwards try to answer the question based on the film clips. When the pupils watch these film clips they are working with the understanding and remembering part in Bloom`s digital taxonomy. So the pupils are working on the understanding and remembering at home and have more time to evaluate, analyse and apply the knowledge when they come to school the next day. This is flipped learning and the teacher can focus on the part in Bloom`s digital taxonomy where they can evaluate, analyse and apply. Not alone but together with other pupils and with help from the teacher. The teachers who use this program claims they now can use more time on the things that matters like evaluate, analyse and apply and not help the pupils understand and remember the algorithm.

Campus has a discussion tool, where pupils team up and log in with their “device”, and get questions they have to discuss. This “forces” the pupils to enter the zone of proximal development. Here they will meet others opinions and views and have to argue for their point of view. Or they will build confidence confirming their views. This is very engaging and motivating for the pupils. Everyone will see what the groups have answered on the smartboard, but no right answer is given until there have been a discussion around the different solutions.

Using this program makes the pupils work more effectively and challenge them to work on the rim of the zone of proximal development. This is because the program follows the student's level of knowledge and adjust itself as the pupils makes progress in the subject.

Campus Norway 0318.mp4


In Slovenia many teachers and many pupils were involved in a lot of exciting and inspiring projects. In 5th grade worked with adopting new learning material with the help of the Internet, in 8th grade the pupils worked with tablets and Google presentation and other products, in 9th grade the pupils worked with math sheets, another class worked by using ICT to prepare the valedictory ball and finally 7th grade worked with the online program Roomsketcher.

Look at he inspiring report and fine videos below here and look at all the very fine products from the pupils right here

Final school report - march 2017.pptx


This month’s task was carried out with an English class with a group of children from grade 4 (10 – 11 year-olds). the teacher had choosen to use and teach the pupils how to use it. The ultimate goal was that the students would create their own “kahoots” and play the ones made by their friends. That way they would learn how to use the app but also challenge themselves on their knowledge of English.

Read more about the exciting project and watch some of the Kahoots made by the pupils - click on the pictures below.

Kopi af Poland March 2018 task


The focus this month has been the use of GeoGebra as an instrument for children from a 6. grade to teach children from 2. grade.

The hypothesis is that through the work with GeoGebra the 6. graders are capable to climb Blooms stairs, and reach different levels, meanwhile the 2. graders begin their climbing whitin GeoGebra. Read more about this project below

Kopi af ERASMUS+ Denmark March 2018


In Croatia this month one of the math teacher worked in Sketchpad with and class. grade students have made similarities.Some students worked on their tablets, but some of them worked on the paper. The children were on 3. th level on Bloom's Digital Taxonomy. They used their knowledge for solving problem. They all like Sketchpad . grade students worked on drawing pyramid in a dotted line. At first it meant to be 1st level on Bloom's Digital Taxonomy,but some children reached 5 th level and they made new pyramids.

Generally, working on the Sketchpad is ok.

Math teacher said that every student don't have a tablet or computer, so they couldn't try work without shame or stress because making mistakes.

All the students are open for a new ways of learning and using the different tools like Sketchpad ect.