Results from November 2018

The subject of this Geogebra course was to design the most beautiful FAST logo.

Each school send the best project to our colleagues in Norway and the acted as judge and found the winning project.

Have a look at the beautiful results below


Ivana Budija and Martina Jelenković organized students of 1st and 3rd grade of school in Zaton, 5.a, 5.b. and 7th grade at the school in Nin.

At the end, the students were pleasantly surprised and pleased that in Geogebra they can also draw or add details to the already made drawing. Initially, they were skeptical because this was their first encounter with a Geogebra, but in the end they were thrilled. We did only simple things appropriate to their age and knowledge and we are glad that the production of the log was interesting and that they enjoyed it.

Have a loko at the Croatian results below:


The Danish results from this month's project is detailed described in the file below:

Kopi af Erasmus + november assignment Denmark


Have a look at the beautiful logos from Poland below:

Poland November 2018 - 1.pptx
Poland November 2018 - 2.pdf


Slovenia did a great work and made a lot of logo. Al of the logos are presented by PowerPoint, movies or pictures and they are all very beautiful and creative. Have a look below:


In Norway the winner of the logo competition made this great and instructive video about how the logo was made:
