Results from December 2018

The products this month have been a description of the planning, which elements in 21 century skills are special focus, links to the products and an evaluation of the course itself with a description of what is successful and what can be done better another time. Have a look at all the great results underneath.....


Have a look at the very fine and creative blog our colleagues in Norway and their pupils made right here....

December task Norway 2018.pdf


Our colleagues in Slovenia made a great project selling the pupils own homegrown crops. Underneath you can read a description of their project and see the commercial they made for their project

Final school report Slovenia - December 2018
Reklama Slovenia December 2018.mp4


Our great colleagues in Lublin chose to made Christmas cards with the pupils and the income was given to charity. In the below description of the project you can find a link to the great commercial the pupils made a watch pictures from their great project:

December 2018 task - Poland


Watch an Animoto video from our colleagues in Croatia about this task right here...


Denmark December måneds opgave Erasmus