
Kurume is known as the city of fruit and flowers.

Famous flower-viewing spots are dotted throughout the city, letting you feast your eyes on flowers all year long.

Kurume Forest Azalea Park

There are 61 thousand azaleas of 100 different varieties planted in Kurume Forest Azalea Park. The best time to view the flowers is from mid-April to early May. In addition, there are cherry blossom and maple trees that add color to the Spring and Fall.

Admission is free

By Train Nishitetsu Tenjin-Omuta line

Get off Nishitetsu Kurume station, 25 minutes by taxi.

Ishibashi Cultural Center

The park features gardens of camellia and roses filled with seasonal flowers.

Kurume Azaleas: From early to late April

Azaleas from all over the world: From early to late April

Roses: From late Apr to late May and mid-Oct to late Nov

Hydrangeas & Irises: From early to late June

Autumn Leaves: mid-Nov to early Dec

ume blossoms: early to late Feb

Camellias: early to late Mar

Sakura: late Mar

Admission is free


By Train Nishitetsu Tenjin-Omuta line

Get off Nishitetsu Kurume station, 10 minutes on foot.


 Senko-Ji Temple

Senko-Ji Temple in Kurume is a Zen temple founded by Eisai and is known as "Ajisai-dera" (Hydrangea Temple) with approximately 7,000 hydrangea plants in bloom in June.


By Train Nishitetsu Tenjin-Omuta line

Get off Nishitetsu Kurume station. Take the Nishitetsu Bus (Number 25.) to Yanagisaka Bus Stop and walk for 10 minutes.

Autumn Leaves at Bairin-Ji and Eisho-Ji Temples

Bairin-Ji Temple and Eisho-Ji Temple are the most beautiful places to see autumn leaves in Kurume.

The ginkgo trees of Bairinji are golden and the autumn leaves of Eishoji are burning beautifully, and many people visit in late November.

Bairin-Ji Temple

By Train JR line

Get off JR Kurume station, 5 minutes on foot.

Eisho-Ji Temple

By Train Nishitetsu Tenjin-Omuta line

Get off Nishitetsu Kurume station. Take the Nishitetsu Bus (Number 25.) to Yanagisaka Bus Stop and walk for 17 minutes.

Yanagisaka Sone Wax Tree Lane

Designated by Fukuoka Prefecture as a Natural Treasure in 1964, this row of 260 wax trees extends about 1.2 km, from north to south.

This lane has also been chosen as one of the Top 100 Tree-Lined Streets of Japan.

Admission is free


By Train Nishitetsu Tenjin-Omuta line

Get off Nishitetsu Kurume station. Take the Nishitetsu Bus (Number 25.) to Yanagisaka Bus Stop

Kurume World Camellia Museum

They exhibit the original camellia which is the origin of camellia, as well as the world's camellia. At the camellia exhibition facility in the glasshouse, 160 camellias of 100 species from Vietnam, China, Japan, and other countries are planted, and you can appreciate a variety of camellia.

Admission is free


By Train Nishitetsu Tenjin-Omuta line

Get off Nishitetsu Kurume station. Take the Nishitetsu Bus (Number 25.) to Kurume City Sekai-no-Tsubakikan-Mae Bus Stop; directly in front of the stop

【Website】 (Japanese)

Asai's Cherry Blossom Tree

A 100-year-old mountain cherry with a trunk circumference of 4.3 m and a height of 18 m. It is well protected locally and you can see beautiful flowers every year. More and more people are coming from far away to see the cherry blossoms.


By Train JR kyu-dai line

Get off Zendoji station, 5 minutes by taxi.

Hosshin Park

This is the place where successive lords of the Kurume domain used to view cherry blossoms. 170 cherry trees bloom in spring, and the area is crowded with cherry blossom-viewing visitors every year.

The great writer Soseki Natsume also came here to compose haiku when he visited Kurume.

In autumn, the maple leaves in the Momiji Valley are very beautiful.


By Train Nishitetsu Tenjin-Omuta line

Get off Nishitetsu Kurume station. Take the Nishitetsu Bus (Number 25.) to Kusano Kamimachi Bus Stop and walk for 10 minutes.

Kurume Hyakunen Park

The azalea garden in the park is planted with approximately 120,000 azaleas, including the Yae Kirishima azalea and other old azalea trees, and visitors can enjoy the azaleas in full bloom in spring.

The Kurume Azalea Festival, held every April, is famous and many people come to see the gorgeous azaleas in full bloom.

During the cherry blossom season, about 200 cherry trees bloom along the river.

Admission is free


By Train Nishitetsu Tenjin-Omuta line

Get off Nishitetsu Kurume station. Take the Nishitetsu Bus (Number 5, 23) to Hyakunen Koen Bus Stop and walk for a few minutes.