Evensong LARP

Archive of Past Events

Event 0: Darkness Looms

As the smoke clears and the lands around the Evensong encampment grow somewhat calmer, the Champions turn their attention to their duties. With the volcanic crevasse closed and sleeping, some travel has been restored along the Stone Road. Unfortunately, it has not been enough to guard against shortages, and the entire company has been on reduced rations over the late summer and early fall. The deprivations have left their mark.

Citing increased evidence of Vesper acts against Concordance, Templar General Andre Monbaird petitioned the Holy Council for the creation of a special Vesper Expeditionary Force. "The recent theft of the holy artifacts leaves no doubt that the Vesper threat must be dealt with swiftly and with all available resources", stated General Monbaird before the council, which quickly approved his proposal. This new unit, comprised of both Templars and contracted civilians is to be focused exclusively on stopping Vespers activities. In a surprising twist, Templar Addison Morris, the previous commander of the 7th division, has been appointed to lead the new unit, with a promotion to her former rank of Seneschal.

Little has been seen of the Vespers, however, since their brazen theft of the three Holy Artifacts at the beginning of the summer. Rumors circulate of attempts to track down the two items that remain lost, and of traitors within the expedition itself who may have been party to the theft. The one that has been recovered-- the Chalice-- remains in a secret location, though there have been rumors that it may be placed on display during the upcoming Gala.

The Gala is scheduled to be held at the Evensong Hall, upon the evening of December 2nd, in celebration of the Feast of Validation, a holiday of truth and deception, during which those who are not Dantessi generally go masked, while Dantessi remove their true faces and reveal their fleshly visage.

Guests have been invited from across all Concordance. It is rumored that there may even be members of the Holy Council in attendance, joining their fellow Councilor Morgan Shepherd to honor the expedition and see first-hand how it is progressing. The theme of the Gala is "Reveries," in honor of the Dreaming Goddess and the holy endeavor that has been undertaken to locate the lost Shrine of Dreams.

The details of the Gala are being overseen by Fiordelise Spira, Political Advisor of the Expedition, with the assistance of a number of the Champions. She has spread the word that this is an opportunity for the Expedition as a whole, and the Champions in particular, to gain allies within the greater population of Concordance. There will be guests present who have access to various resources, both material and informational, as well as some who may currently have a poor impression of the Champions but might be won over with the right overtures. It is rumored that the famed theatrical troupe known as the Jaunty Band will be in attendance, and may present an entertainment of their own, with assistance from the Champions.

Fiordelise has recommended that the Champions, as a whole, consider if they wish to present any sorts of entertainments, games, amusements or the like during the several hours of the official celebration. Additionally, she invites the Champions to provide any foodstuffs, beverages or decorations they believe would show their cohort in a favorable light. Lastly, the Champions have been tasked with providing whatever security for the event they deem appropriate, and setting any rules regarding the presence of weapons within the hall, and the guidelines for any duels that may take place.