ERASMUS+ KA122 SEASONAL@GLOCAL: Staff mobility in Italy October, 2nd to 7th 2022

Project code: 2021-1-IT02-KA122-SCH-000013562

  1. On October 3rd 2022 Students have welcomed the teachers coming from Portugal and the Czech Republic with a typical Calabrian dance: the tarantella and tasting traditional cakes

2. On October 4th the Czech and Portuguese group of teachers in COURSES AND TRAINING ( Seasonla@Glocal - KA122 project ) have visited Mr Franco's dairy and seen the way he produces RICOTTA cheese. They've tried genuine food sold and produced at zero km. That's what Seasonal@Glocal is: a mirror to small local producers ...OUR CULTURAL HERITAGE

3. On October 4th the Czech and Portuguese group of teachers in COURSES AND TRAINING ( Seasonla@Glocal - KA122 project ) have visited Mr Stasi' s bakery and seen the way he produces TARALLI a typical bread based appetizer. They've tried genuine food sold and produced at zero km. That's what Seasonal@Glocal is: a mirror to small local producers ...OUR CULTURAL HERITAGE

4. On October 4th the Czech and Portuguese group of teachers in COURSES AND TRAINING ( Seasonla@Glocal - KA122 project ) have visited Mr CELESTINO’S silk, cotton and broom fabrics made with typical looms.

They've seen Mrs Maria Madeo working at a loom and touched the wonderful fabrics ...That's what Seasonal@Glocal is: a mirror to small local producers ...OUR CULTURAL HERITAGE

5. On October, 4th the Czech and Portuguese group of teachers in COURSES AND TRAINING ( Seasonla@Glocal - KA122 project ) have visited Mr GRAZIANO' s SILAMARE. They've tried genuine food sold and produced at zero km. That's what Seasonal@Glocal is: a mirror to small local producers ...OUR CULTURAL HERITAGE

6. On October, 5th the Czech and Portuguese group of teachers in COURSES AND TRAINING ( Seasonla@Glocal - KA122 project ) have visited Gallo's citrus factory. They've tried genuine food sold and produced at zero km. That's what Seasonal@Glocal is: a mirror to small local producers ...OUR CULTURAL HERITAGE


meet talk between the Czech and Italian group of students in the language LAB at the I.C. CROSIA. Being moderated by Mrs Lenka Kudrličková and Terry Hniličková Malá ..... Czech Republic

8. On October, 6th the Czech and Portuguese group of teachers in COURSES AND TRAINING ( Seasonla@Glocal - KA122 project ) have visited Mr Russo' s artisanal icecream shop DOLCEAMARO. They've tried genuine food sold and produced at zero km. That's what Seasonal@Glocal is: a mirror to small local producers ...OUR CULTURAL HERITAGE

Il signor Graziano spiega il modo in cui il salame tipico... salsicce e altre... sono fatte... direttamente dalle mucche ai produttori e ai consumatori...

As a dissemination phase of the joint cooperation between the school, students, students' parents and local community we share the work which is beeing done to adopt ERASMUS+ KA122 Seasonal@Glocal objective: Participants will be assessing their project objectives

1) Give students and staff the possibility to have international mobility activities to foreign partners.

2) Improve the average grade in English Language

3) Encourage the use of digital resources to promote digital skills and digital literacy.

4) Improve students' information about healthy lifestyles, fostering better eating habits.

5) foster students' knowledge about local cultural heritage.

finding out the strengths and weaknesses within them and then planning a common monitoring google form-based test, to assess the students, staff and people’s involved approval rating to be uploaded in the common website, which is supposed to being created in a shared final activity that will be discussed during the closing event planned as an open debate among participants from local, regional and national level.

  1. La mobilità studenti in Repubblica Ceca

11 - - 17 Settembre 2022

Negli occhi dei partecipanti

# da soli si va più veloci, insieme si va più lontano ....

2. I.C CROSIA STUDENTS in Ceske Budjeovice .. Czech Republic

Students' mobility 11th to 17th September 2022

get involved and moved


3. Martina's dad

Mr Graziano describing the way typical SALAMI are made

Seasonal - local - organic - at Km zero

4. Dominique with Grandma DIANA cooking a gorgeous homemade - organic - at km zero prune jam

5. Gennaro at the PAN DI CAMPAGNA BAKERY

6. Gennaro at the PAN DI CAMPAGNA BAKERY showing the way BOCCONOTTI, a typical Calabrian cake you can eat in one bite, are made seasonal, local and organic

7. Gennaro at the PAN DI CAMPAGNA BAKERY showing the way THE TARALLI, a typical Calabrian snack, is made

8. FRANCO’S DAIRY: milking the cows

9. Organic, made at zero km

Milking at Franco's Diary

our lovely Matteo's dad

10. Romualdo at the local MURACA’S BAKERY

Showing typical and local roducts

The rosetta sandwich

11. Esmeralda's grandad Mr Carmine Beraldi talking about earthenware, which can be glazed, partially glazed, or unglazed, sometimes called redware or terracotta

April 2022

April 8th 2022, the groups of students in mobility are enjoying the last ceremony before moving back home ... touching moments

  1. Brecht

Caterina Caligiuri playing Bertold Brecht's poem " Sul muro c'era scritto col gesso " a poem about peace

2. tarantella dance

as the project aims at describing the beauties of our territory as well as our cultaural heritage here is an exemple of a typical dance

Do you know what is the meaning of the tarantella dance?

I’m telling you: it’s a rapid, whirling southern Italian dance in very quick steps, originally quadruple, usually performed by a single couple Do you know when the tarantella dance originate?

It is supposed in the mid-14th century, the dance derives its name from the southern Italian town of Taranto. It originated as a manic response of field workers to the bite of a spider whose name is also related to Taranto -- the tarantula. In fact, it began as a cure for a condition called tarantism, which was believed to be caused by the bite of a spider widely thought to be poisonous.

I’m Giulia and I’m going to describe what I’m wearing

As you know, Tarantella is a traditional peasant style costume

I’m wearing a white shirt, this black vest and a wide red long skirt.

I’m Giuseppe and I’m wearing a white shirt, a black vest and black trousers.

Giulia These clothes are typical of poor class citizen but there are also garnments which refer to the court like typical dance.


Founded in 1944, with one million and a half members, Coldiretti is the major organisation representing agricultural entrepreneurs at national and European level. It was founded on the fundamental value of focusing on food as a common good, and is today based on the "All Italian Agricultural Chain" Project: agricultural, because the farmers are the protagonists from farm to fork; Italian, because it is made up solely of Italian products and as distinctive value of "Made in Italy"; and signed by farmers, in line with the idea of informed, transparent and aware consumption.

4. The 2 local municipalities of Mirto-Crosia, Italy and Vila das Aves, Portugal have joined in a virtual friendiship thanks to the exchanging of each community key to start a new beginning .

5. Karolina, a lovely Czech student, shares typical Czech foodwith the farmers' market and local community

6. Visiting the factory thanks to Mr Boccia

7. at the IGRECO, such a beautiful day … thanks for welcoming us


Amarelli is a family business founded in Rossano (CS) aimed at the cultivation, harvesting and processing of liquorice. The company has been active since 1731, but already in the sixteenth century the family practiced this activity. The Amarelli family, rich landowners, boasts ancient noble traditions. Since the sixteenth century the processing of licorice root had been flanked, as a secondary activity.The particular climate and soil conditions, which favored the abundant spontaneous growth of the plant, used, as well as for pharmaceutical uses, also in the confectionery, liquor and tobacco tanning industry, gave the Calabrian product an excellent quality.When, in 1924, the three Amarelli brothers take over the management of the company from their father, the factory has already undergone a substantial restructuring and a first mechanization, The traditional production process was extremely complex (the main phases consisted of




boiling and


In the second half of the 1920s Amarelli exported to England, Belgium and France. In the eighties the Amarelli brand has now consolidated an international reputation. Its products are widely distributed, as well as in Europe, the United States, Canada and Australia. In 2001 was opened the museum of licorice "Giorgio Amarelli" where the history of licorice is told and are exposed all the tools used for the pr ocessing of licorice from the eighteenth century

9. our lovely guide

10. Amarelli

11. at the factory

Amarelli: such a magic place to visit