Staff mobility to Vila das Aves, Portugal. November 1 to 5, 2022. Mrs Fontana Mannina and Vennari Caterina in mobility to Portugal. The preparatory phase was made of programme exchange with the HOSTING SCHOOL and a power point presentation made by them as a preoaratory training to mobility....all included in the following padlet


Project code: 2021-1-IT02-KA122-SCH-000013562

Courses and training for staff mobility in Italy

October, 3rd to 6th 2022

Courses and training for staff mobility in Italy is focused on a double task:

1) Creating a FOOD&BEAUTY MAP shared among the partners in order to create a database of local farmers, producing genuine and organic food as the reflection of the potential beauty of one’s territory in terms of cultural heritage, for which we are supposed to map out a kind of literacy to share with our guests through a series of pictures and info collected during our previuos mobilities in each orthers’ country and have them uploaded in a common padlet wall space which is supposed to be created on the last day of workshop scheduled activity.

2) Achieving EDU/FOOD LITERACY in terms of driving one’s attention to local food production, organic products and life in the open air, to acquire better eating habits; respect for one’s local cultural heritage to make us value our traditions and, thus, acquire new lifestyles, concerning food habits and free time activities. Confronting and comparing our cultural heritage with our European partners will contribute for the acknowledgement of differences and similarities in European Culture.

On the first day, October 3rd activities will be run inside the school as a series of something like shadowing the following lessons:

- Mrs Caruso Maria, our Maths teacher’s class about Erasmus+ initial and final monitory phases held before and after each mobility; which will help find out strengths and weaknesses of activities

- Mrs Vennari Caterina, our Science teacher’s class about the local ecosystem in terms of flora and fauna

- Mrs Abbruzzese Paola, our nutritionist’s class about eating disorders

- Mrs Arcidiacone Carmela’s class about Kreusa jewels belonging to our cultural heritage

During the following 2 days, October 4th – 5th activities will be run outside the school in the territory to show our guests the way the local community has contributed to our purpose: DISSEMINATING and SHARING our interesting work during this year in Erasmus+ programme, because Seasonal@Glocal is a bridge connecting the tradition to modern attempt to better local growing and production of typical specialties

Mrs Carmela Vulcano will show the guests the way E+ programme has impacted the local school activities and local community by sharing the website created during the one year long mobilities, pictures, videos, presentations and pdlet made by students, experts in cooperation with local people. This is the way E+ has been disseminated and shared and monitored at a local, regional, national and European level. The final product is supposed to be a common database

Second students' mobility in Erasmus+ KA122 project " Seasonal@Glocal" to Gymnázium Jírovcova 8

České Budějovice, Czech Republic

SEPTEMBER 11th to 17th

10 students + 2 accompanying teachers: Mr Ausilio Franco and Mrs Vulcano Carmela

As a preparatory phase to students' mobility to Vila das Aves, Portugal from May 1th -- 7th, the students have had a seires of activities concerned with the hosting school programme here uploaded as a power point presentation



Teachers and students at work to welcoming Erasmus people in mobility

As preparatory phase to STUDENTS' MOBILITY AS HOSTING SCHOOL -- the I.C. CROSIA is working on different levels to IMPLEMENTING project

OBJECTIVE 2 Improve the average grade in English Language

OBJECTIVE 3 Encourage the use of digital resources to promote digital skills and digital literacy.

OBJECTIVE 4 Improve students' information about healthy lifestyles, fostering better eating habits.

OBJECTIVE 5 foster students' knowledge about local cultural heritage.

Students at work implementing objective 3: they've been creating GOOGLE FORM BASED TEXTS which will be completed with their peers in MOBILITY every evening after the daily scheduled activity to assess their knowledge and certify the approval rate


Teachers' preparatory phase to welcoming the foreign students in MOBILITY

Implementing Seasonal@glocal

Implementing Seasonal@glocal.pptx







Students at I.C. CROSIA are planning a preparatory phase as hosting school of 12 people from Portugal and 12 people from the Czech Republic in ERASMUS+ KA122 mobility within the project SEASONAL@GLOCAL financed by the EU

Staff mobility to the Czech Republic

February 21st-25th


PREPARATORY PHASE TO IMPLEMENTING PROJECT OBJECTIVES: • Objective 1 Give the possibility to have international mobility activities to foreign partners

Objective 2 Improve the average grade in English Language

Listening – reading – speaking – writing – debating

Objective 3 Encourage the use of digital resources to promote digital skills and digital literacy

il sito è stato costruito e gestito interamente dagli studenti e così articolato:

1) creazione di un TRAVELLERS' VADEMECUM ossia un breviario di situazioni comunicative tipiche durante un periodo di mobilità. Quindi conversazioni con idiomi tipici al - CHECK IN in aereoporto o in albergo - al ristorante per ordinare cibo e bevande - chiedere e dare informazioni sui tempi e gli spazi da percorrere. Il tutto registrato in una serie di conversazioni in role-play





2) creazione di un PADLET wall LA1 - LA2 - LB1 GRAMMAR RULES https://it.padlet.com/rosannaapia/urds9dg6j311gac2

3) creazione di un PADLET WALL nel TWINSPACE per implementare L2 ENGLISH https://it.padlet.com/runner06/5wtzci6qseq7l81b

suddiviso in un cronoprogramma di attività svolte di mese in mese attraverso una serie di temi condivisi con le scuole partners nei singoli percorsi, allegati e definiti in dettaglio in ciascuna colonna