Staff mobility to Vila das Aves, Portugal. November 1 to 5, 2022. Mrs Fontana Mannina and Vennari Caterina in mobility to Portugal. The preparatory phase was made of programme exchange with the HOSTING SCHOOL and a power point presentation made by them as a preoaratory training to mobility....all included in the following padlet

La nostra scuola partecipa alle 3 giornate #erasmusdays ...un'iniziativa EUROPEA che ci vede PROTAGONISTI....CONGRATS agli studenti...genitori...accompagnatori..docenti...comunità tutta...alla Dirigente e ad ERASMUS+

#erasmusdays2022 --- la nostra scuola è presente

#dasolisivapiùvelociinsiemesivapiùlontano/erofeliceelo sapevo

Second students' mobility in Erasmus+ KA122 project " Seasonal@Glocal" to Gymnázium Jírovcova 8

České Budějovice, Czech Republic

SEPTEMBER 11th to 17th

10 students + 2 accompanying teachers: Mr Ausilio Franco and Mrs Vulcano Carmela

Second students' mobility in Erasmus+ KA122 project " Seasonal@Glocal" to Gymnázium Jírovcova 8

České Budějovice, Czech Republic

SEPTEMBER 11th to 17th

10 students + 2 accompanying teachers: Mr Ausilio Franco and Mrs Vulcano Carmela

The students were accommodated to host families which had been keeping in touch with the Italians in a series of meet talk and email exchange. The students had made friends during the Czech mobility to Italy in April and so it was easier for them to stay together and share this new experience; which started on September 11th at 10.30 a.m. in front of the Zvon hotel in Ceske Budjeovice, where they were kept home by the Czech families and started their Erasmus+ experience. We were all warmly welcomed by the Deputy Headmaster of the hosting school Mrs KUDRLIČKOVÁ Lenka and the Czech class teacher Mrs

HNILIČKOVÁ Tereza. We’ve been constantly in touch to plan and schedule each activity in a series of meet talks and an exchange of mails and WhatsApp files. The mobility was proceeded by a linguistic preparatory phase from September 1st to the 10th 2022 in a series of meet talks with the Italian students about language skills, geography, culture and active citizenship skills ( protocol 0006785 / 05 – 09 – 2022 ) ; as well as a preparatory day with the school Headmaster Mrs Rachele Anna Donnici, which was held on Monday 12th September ( protocol 0006803 / 06 – 09 – 2022 ) during which she explained some basic rules inside the travellers’ vademecuum.

On the first day mobility: September 12th 2022, activities at Gymnázium, České Budějovice, Jírovcova 8 were run with the support of the Czech peers and planned as the following ice-breaking activities

Official Reception

School tour planned per sections: Czech students were school guide for their peers from Italy and Portugal and they brought them to the different school labs: Chess room, table soccer game, herb garden, geology lab, basketball and volleyball at the gym. While the school Headmaster Mr Pavel Kavric and the Deputy Mrs Kudrličková Lenka welcomed the 2 Italian teachers Mr Vulcano Carmela and Mr Ausilio Franco; and Portuguese team: Mr Paulo Costa Deputy Headmaster and Mrs Maria Fontes, the Portuguese school Headmaster, making us feel like at home, having care of us at school, at the canteen, at the hotel always and continuously.

Lunch at the school canteen which was held by the Czech, who helped their guests make friends with the others and be confident with the new place

Excursion and tour of the Town Hall during which Czech students became local guides for their guests

Tour (on foot) of the city

Excursion to the brewery Samson

International party in the gym: this was the climax of the activity because the 3 different European countries became one in their diversities which were turned into a potential thanks to food, which was the bridge connecting different human beings belonging to different cultures; keeping an eye open to the others thus becoming one big family having fun with music: parents and sons, students and teachers: human beings.

These activities made guests realize how much important was discovering the school, the city and their potential. Each activity was student-centred aiming to enhance students’ skills to

- know each other, to learn communication abilities and start meetings in a fun, engaging way.

- encourage participants to bond, form a new team, get to know people from different backgrounds, and become involved with learning about new subject matter and a new approach to socializing as the lunch at the school canteen which is seen as an opportunity to create new friendship and ties

- practice spoken English

In addition to having fun and exploring local beauties and potential, activities were planned to:

help students learn cooperation rules and social roles

support emotional, behavioural and intellectual development.

develop: a sense of self, independence, confidence, creativity and initiative

promote more sustainable production and consumption patterns,

establish a link across different policy areas, including, among others, food production, agriculture, environment, health, consumer policy, employment and rural development

approach Food Culture as one’s ethnicity, cultural heritage and a mechanism of communication with others both externally and within families and communities.

On the second day September 13th 2022, Erasmus people went to the discovery of the potential of the territory, so we visited

BELIS FACTORY which was reached by bus and guest students were brought there by their hosting peers by bus and were given the possibility to decorate their own mug; a chance to make new friends and acquire new speaking and practical skills; as well as improve self-confidence by taking a bus in a big city compared to the small village, they live in.

During lunch host students were responsible for taking their guests to the canteen and this was an occasion to create new ties and make new friends by practising English and social skills.

The afternoon activity was a GAME COMPETITION per mixed groups of students: Czech – Italian – Portuguese. The task was shopping of local ingredients, for making tasty sandwiches. This implied the ability to manage with Czech money and mix ingredients, as well as set a description of the final product ( 10 sandwiches ) to a jury made of guest Teachers and local teachers according to a series of criteria and a range of marks from 1 to 10 for an evaluation of the competition, tasting- rating.

This activity was panned to: help students promote

- inclusive and sustainable systems to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage

- respect the potential of the territory they belong to

- Protect and enhance natural resources

- Improve manual dexterity as the ability to use your hands in a skilful, coordinated way to grasp and manipulate objects and demonstrate small, precise movements.

Laboratory teaching assumes that first-hand experience in observation and manipulation of the materials of developing understanding. So, students are supposed to:

- develop skills such as critical thinking, problem solving,

- master tips to saving money in

- Making a spending plan according to the budget,

- Finding the best deal

- Thinking before acting

- Bettering teamwork skills as


Time management. ...

Problem-solving. ...

Listening. ...

Critical thinking. ...

Collaboration. ...


On the third day September 14th 2022, we’ve moved to a deeper discovering of local cultural heritage, typical of wonderful land cheered by a generous earth and skilful human beings, who protect and take care of it. So, we’ve visited the bakery Srnín, then Madeta diary and tasted products typical of the area. We caught the train to the local graphite mine and it was really something like an enchanting experience for the youngest and the eldest. Finally, we’ve moved to a wonderland ČESKÝ KRUMLOV, visited the castle garden and enjoyed a city tour. These activities were planned focusing on GOAL 11 -- in AGENDA 2030:

Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable

11.4: Strengthen efforts to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage

So, students were trained to the task through a series of activities planned to learn vocabulary concerned with the 5 types of resources:







They’ve created Google form-based tests about the event and compared the territory potential with one’s own territory resources; and finally, a google form-based test to assess their approval rating.

On the fourth day September 15th 2022 we’ve started activities at the school lab; where students, in mixed groups, have run an activity with Mr Pazourek at 3D printing machine and created a model per group. Then, we’ve moved to the local pond farming Vodňany and Research Institute of Fish Culture and Hydrobiology of the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice. Students were trained in a series of debating sessions in using key words to help them promote

1) school facilities and, in this case, the purpose to paint a more realistic picture, thus acquiring new skills connected with technology

2) inclusive and sustainable systems to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage

respect green and public spaces

4) protect and enhance natural resources

5) enhance the resilience of people, communities and ecosystems

Students have created Google form-based tests about the event also to compare with one’s own territory resources; as well as Google form-based test to assess approval rating. They’ve also talked to and interviewed local experts about pond fishing and done experiments in the science lab.

On the fifth day September 16th 2022 we’ve started the school activity guiding students to a class first aid course, then an activity with the school choir followed by typical dance in local costumes, where students have met and shared the potential of their experience together. Finally, a google form-based test to assess their approval rating of the 5 days mobility.

Students were asked

to learn or masteries new skills as connected with emergencies that they may come across:

- Understand the role and responsibilities of a first aider

- Understand how to manage a variety of conditions

compare each other’s folklore as a trait of cultural expression through which individuals and groups shape and disseminate a shared identity of many individuals, all connected through their diversities concerned with food – music – tales – habits – school systems – language and local heritage keeping us connected to our traditions and indeed help shape our culture in the capacity to be open and share with others, thus making the European identity real and giving sense to our Erasmus+ experience

The day finished with a closing ceremony at Clarion Hotel where all the participants were given certificates and started an afterschool activity in the open air, going around the city. In a shopping mall, local shops and a party at a girl’s home. It was really an amazing experience because different people belonging to different cultures have shared, melt and reborn as European citizens, open to the others and promoting diversities: the one trait we all have in common. That’s what Erasmus+ programme ask us to make real and we’ve done it. The following day September 17th 2022 at 4.30 a.m. host families brought students again to the Zvon hotel, where they moved back home by a transfer bus to the airport. It was such a moving moment because Italians had melt with the Czech and made friends, they’d felt like at home, they were cheered and taken care of by lovely people; who kept in contact with their guest’s family almost daily via social media.

Learning methods used during these activities have been student-centred and based on EXPERIENTIAL TEACHING and used separately or simultaneously:

Experiential Learning

Direct Instruction

Indirect Instruction

Interactive Instruction

Independent Study

Learning outcomes were based on the MOTIVATIONAL APPROACH applying of such useful outputs as:

Field journal

Working model

Science poster

Research paper

Video diaries

Students were asked to approach the people, interview them using the contextualised vocabulary, create google form-based tests, using digital skills, share ideas thus improving their written and spoken English; their social skills, developing self-confidence, critical thinking, creativity; as well as creating a compare/contrast graphic organizer to record information, working collaboratively in small groups and share opinions/info about the daily activity;

Focusing on ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP in terms of

1) encouraging active participation of young people in social democratic life on local, national, and European level in order to strength young people voice in Europe by using different tools for empowerment.

2) enhancing young people’s feeling of ownership and belonging to Europe, and discuss what role young people can play (including active participation in European organizations)

3) fostering mutual understanding, solidarity, intercultural learning and intercultural dialogue between young people coming from different cultural backgrounds and providing opportunity for them to develop multiplying initiatives to be implemented in their respective countries.

4) sharing experiences and good practices of citizenship education from local level among different target groups as Erasmus+ Programme

We’ve made a padlet according to the different steps concerned with the activity implying a

- monitoring initial phase with a common questionnaire which was sent to participants

- preparatory phase concerning language skills and folklore

- daily schedule of the 6 days mobility

- final monitory phase with a questionnaire sent to the participants

Students have uploaded pictures, videos and power point presentations because they were asked to make adults enjoy mobility through their eyes, according to their point of view and their emotions. They’ve grown more in 6 days Erasmus+ mobility than in 13 years in their life. They’ve started a process of being European,

which is irreversible and thus started their long and wide way to cultural independence, this is the link to the padlet being done by the Erasmus+ generation


They’ve made the local community and families involved, they’ve interviewed local farmers and entrepreneurs involved in the growing and selling of seasonal/local foods divided per food groups. So, they met

- the baker

- the butcher

- the farmer

- the pastry chef

- their grand-parents and parents

- local craftsmen

thus turning what is local into glocal, shared and cared of by present and future generations. Their stage is still the farmers’ market with was opened on April 4th 2022 when their peers from Portugal and the Czech Republic went in Italy for their Erasmus+ mobility

They’re sharing their motto and want you to disseminate it as well:

# alone we go faster, but together we go farther


Back home

Seasonal@Glocal ---- Students' mobility to Vila das Aves, Portugal ---- 1/7 May, 2022

Seasonal@Glocal ---- Students' mobility to Vila das Aves, Portugal ---- 1/7 May, 2022

KA122 project Erasmus+ learning programme for group activities Group mobility of school pupils Mobility ID: GRP-01 Project code: 2021-1-IT02-KA122-SCH-000013562

MAY 1st, 2022

MAY 2nd, 2022

May 2nd 2022 at Escola Básica Ave, the students have been involved in the following activities:

Ice-breaking activities

Official Reception

Walk to Amieiro Galego and visit to a Mini-Hydro power plant

Lunch at the school canteen for socialising and sharing typical food

In the afternoon: Orienteering Game leading to different Workshops:

1. Bread cooking

2. Playing with Chemistry

3. Aromatizing Health

4. Producing energy with water

5. Cooking a simple meal

6. Simple experiments with Water

Shared dinner with families (international tasting)

MAY 3rd, 2022

We’ve had a field trip to Santo Tirso and the reception at the Town Hall, wherewe’ve been welcomed by the Deputy Mayor of the town. Then a guided tour to an Agricultural School which was a monastery and now is hosting something comparable to a heaven on hearth. In fact we’ve been witnessing a new agricultural revolution: sustainable and respecting the planet’s natural resources: water, land, biodiversity, where the people are crucial in the agri-food chain thanks to their operosity, love and respect for the territory and cultural roots; focusing on agri-food and agri-industry sector which aims to ensure human health, improve the quality of life of producers, foster the development of a solidarity economy, protect human rights, and promote social fairness, as well as the ethical treatment of animals. Thanks to this circular circuit we’ve tasted a lunch based on the food grown, produced, sold and cooked directly from the farm to the school canteen in a quiet-calm harmony between the people in mobility and the territory we were being hosted in. Our full immersion in a luxurious and typical nature continued after lunch with a guided tour by the brooks and old water mills of Monte Córdova during which we were offered a wide range of benefits to our mind, body, and soul: in

experiencing the rich flora and fauna

facilitating perseverance and discipline

mental benefits

improve balance

increasing productivity

experiencing local cultures and local food

strengthening survival instincts

disconnecting from technology

making new friends

MAY 4th, 2022

We’ve moved to Viana do Castelo and went hiking the “Maceira” track in Apúlia and visited typical production grown using the ocean sand and fertilized with the algae. A local expert showed us some areas, we were told there are at least 20 cultivated fields in such a way; where every food category is grown by local workers in total respect of the environment, so this is a sustenaible agriculture made by the people for the people. We saw men and women working in the green fields simply using their hands, but we were told that algae were used in the Middle ages, now it is forbidden to collect them from the sea. In any case, they are very hard to collect and so they are replaced by chemical additives. Then, the most of the beautiful sites we’ve ever seen: THE OCEAN and the wind mills, which were used in the past to produce flour. The therapeutic qualities of algae for the treatment of skin diseases. We’ve all enjoy the magic beauty of the 4 elements: earth, water, fire ( the sun heat ), air ( the magic touch of the Ocean’s breeze ). Then a gorgeous luch with typical food grown and solda t zero km and in the afternoon a guided tour at Viana do Castelo harbour, where we’ve met experts on Wind Float and wave energy, as it’s shown in the pictures and videos. Students have talked to experts and made Google form-based tests about the event, as well as Google form-based test to assess approval rating

Thursday, 5th May

We’ve been welcomed, cared of and cheered by the school pupils and staff at at Escola Básica S. Tomé de Negrelos. The Italian group hash ad a morning scheduled activity practising English and debating about the previous days activities in a kind of DAILY REPORT of what they have been experiencing at a linguistic, personal and relational point of view, which was written in Italian and used for a video as well as the creation of a final questionnaire as a Google form based test to make a report of activities they were being involved, as well as their approval assessment rate. After a moment of socialising with local students and staff; other students in mobility and a typical lunch in the school canteen; afternoon activities were planned according a series of workshops and seminars (stations) about:

- “The ocean begins right here” painting and plastic expressions

- Biological garden/Herb Garden

- Energetic sustainability of the school building

- Making and tasting infusions

- Making and tasting jam

- Experiences with water

All these activities were concerned with discussing, understanding and debating about the cause-and-effect relationship between the different organisms in a food chain, sustenaible ways of interacting with environment, where the students were given the chance to ask questions to local experts, plant typical herbs, try and taste good infusions and jams. Biological, organic and good food grown and eaten at zero km. The objectives to fulfill were:

Increase productivity, employment and value addition in food systems

Protect and enhance natural resources

Improve livelihoods and foster inclusive economic growth

Enhance the resilience of people, communities and ecosystems

Adapt governance to new challenges

In the late evening we were welcomed for a final ceremony at the main school building with the school staff, the teachers in mobility, Headteacher and the community.

MAY 6th, 2022

On the last day we moved to Porto fo a guided Visit to "Serralves", where students will have the chace to participate in several workshops concerning environment and sustainable development. After a typical lunch, we visited Porto historical centre to help students promote

1) inclusive and sustainable systems to protect and safeguard the world’s cultural and natural heritage

2) respect green and public spaces

The teaching approach in all scheduled activities was student-centred and based on EXPERIENTIAL TEACHING implying the following methods to use separately or simultaneously:

Experiential Learning

Direct Instruction

Indirect Instruction

Interactive Instruction

Independent Study

Learning outcomes are based on the MOTIVATIONAL APPROACH applying of such useful outputs as:

Field journal

Working model

Science poster

Research paper

Video diaries

Students were asked to approach expert, interview them using the contextualised vocabulary, create google form-based tests, using digital skills, share ideas thus improving their written and spoken English; their social skills, developing self-confidence, critical thinking, creativity; as well as creating a compare/contrast graphic organizer to record information, working collaboratively in small groups and share opinions/info about data relating to the daily activity. For ex. cooking in terms of physical and, at times, chemical changes the food undergoes and that the end result is edible and acceptable, the effects of aromatising on the mind; as well as the effect of cooking upon the three chief constituents of food : proteins, carbohydrates and fats. In addition to this, they were debating on the effects of land food print on ecosystems using:

Knowledge Sharing

Reflection, problem-solving

Diversity and Inclusivity of opinions

Focusing on ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP in terms of

1) encouraging active participation of young people in socio-political democratic life on local, national and European level in order to strength young people voice in Europe by using different tools for empowerment.

2) enhancing young people’s feeling of ownership and belonging to Europe, and discuss what role they can play in Europe (including active participation in European organizations)

3) fostering mutual understanding, solidarity, intercultural learning and intercultural dialogue between different cultural backgrounds, and providing opportunity for them to develop multiplying initiatives to be implemented in their respective countries;

4) sharing experiences and good practices of citizenship education from local level among different target groups as Erasmus+ Programme suggests.

the certificates

back home

Portuguese and Czech students' mobility to Italy

3rd to 9th APRIL

ERASMUS+ KA122 project financed by the E.U.

Students' mobility to Italy: I.C. Crosia 3rd - 8th April 2022

MOMENTS OF FOOD/EDU/BEAUTY seasonal - local - genuine food being turned into glocal by mapping our cultural heritage

ode to Joy at the farmers' market April 4th 2022, UNITED IN DIVERSITY

Mrs Donnici and Paulo Costa dancing the tarantella

The Italian Anthem at the farmers’ market on 4th April 2022

Mr Franco’s mozzarella cheese at the farmers’ market on 4th April 2022

Mrs Maria Madeo’s art of the fritti

the fritti

dancing at Primary school in via dell’Arte

the pet therapy

the pacchiane moving on the typical Calabrian dance: the tarantella

dancing with the pacchiane in the old town of Crosia

talking to the pacchiane in the old town of Crosia

the pacchiane

Mrs Isabella Pace describes typical food, handmade - organic - grown and sold at zero km

from genuine, seasonal@local to glocal

talking about the ‘nduja the caviar of the poor

a tour on a typical poor but genuine Calabrian cuisine

at the Pucchietto with mrs Arcidiacone’s describing her handmade organic fruit jam

Organic super food

The last day of students' mobility to the I.C. CROSIA Mrs Donnici, our Headmaster's report about the experience

Mrs Maria Marino’s report about our students’ mobility

The final lunch, ERASMUS+ KA122 project financed by the E.U. students' mobility to Italy April 8th at the Pucchietto resort for the final lunch

The final lunch, ERASMUS+ KA122 project financed by the E.U. students' mobility to Italy April 8th at the Pucchietto resort for the final lunch

The ceremony of the certificates: ERASMUS+ KA122 project financed by the E.U. - Seasonal@glocal at the I.C. CROSIA -- 8th April 2022

A parade with jewels made by our precious MRS CARMELA ARCIDIACONE, a teacher - a friend - an artist, such a skilled and generous woman making wonders with her magic hand and precious heart THE KREUSE'S PARADE ___ beautiful women from Greek mythology. Kreusa was Enea’s wife and the jewels are named after this goddess. They are rooting back to a glorious past of legends and magic as well as artisan techniques. The coin pendants represent Heracles strangling the lion Apollo killing the snake python Medusa, the coin of Crotone tripode Minerva with her precious helmet Aphrodite - Achilles, the dioscuri coin of Paludi



Amarelli is a family business founded in Rossano (CS) aimed at the cultivation, harvesting and processing of liquorice. The company has been active since 1731, but already in the sixteenth century the family practiced this activity. The Amarelli family, rich landowners, boasts ancient noble traditions.

Since the sixteenth century the processing of licorice root had been flanked, as a secondary activity.

The particular climate and soil conditions, which favored the abundant spontaneous growth of the plant, used, as well as for pharmaceutical uses, also in the confectionery, liquor and tobacco tanning industry, gave the Calabrian product an excellent quality.

When, in 1924, the three Amarelli brothers take over the management of the company from their father, the factory has already undergone a substantial restructuring and a first mechanization,

The traditional production process was extremely complex (the main phases consisted of




boiling and


In the second half of the 1920s Amarelli exported to England, Belgium and France.

In the eighties the Amarelli brand has now consolidated an international reputation. Its products are widely distributed, as well as in Europe, the United States, Canada and Australia.

In 2001 was opened the museum of licorice "Giorgio Amarelli" where the history of licorice is told and are exposed all the tools used for the processing of licorice from the eighteenth century.


PIRRO'S pasta factory of Calabria in Corigliano - Rossano

Get started ..... our Erasmus+ KA122 as hosting school is beeing started ...next Sunday April 3rd the I.C. Crosia will be welcoming 10 Portuguese students + 2 teachers and 12 Czech students + 2 teachers in E+ mobility. We'll be having such an exciting week from April 3rd to 8th spent discovering and sharing a FOOD&BEAUTY MAP of local cultural heritage which will be completed through a FOOD LITERACY phase as google form based tests used as MONITORING phase of the entire activity....WELCOME DEAR FRIENDS .... LET'S MAKE A COMMON EUROPEAN IDENTITY BE DONE .... Seasonal@Glocal is the first step


Dissemination phase done by Italian students shared with the Portuguese and Czech peers

21 - 25 FEBRUARY 2022

24 FEBRUARY 2022

Food market - Barbara and the muesli

food market - students selling their hand-home/made food

Wojta and Carolina about E+ in Italy

Wojta and his muffins

Wojta greeting Italian friends

the Holocaust

23 FEBRUARY 2022

job shadowing a maths lesson

a maths lesson 1

maths lesson 2

maths lesson 3

job shadowing an English lesson

english class

students in the class


talk to Paulo Costa

22 FEBRUARY 2022

from the teachers’ room to the classroom

Filip and Magda are introducing their class III E

Filip and Magda in III E

Filip and Vojta describe a typical traditional cake made with plums ¨ POVIDLA”

Maruska describes the traditional habit of making cakes with blue poppy seeds

about poppy seeds biscuits

Tereza and David tell the story of the gingerbread tradition and invite us taste the lovely cake made by them

Gingerbread in the Czech Republic

Vojta gives info about his dad’s BREWERY “ SAMSON”, which we would visit in the afternoon. The best example of cultural heritage to pass from one generation tot he other, the bridge from a great past to a brighter future.

Veronika and Lenka describe school canteens in the country, where we would have been granted lunch for free and the students had prpepared a typical Italian meal to welcoming us.

Lenka about school canteen

All the class sing a welcoming song for the Italian guests “ K. Budejicum cesta”

typical welcoming song

Job shadowing an economy lesson

Economy lesson – part 2

job shadowing an English lesson

school facilities

Carolina at the science lab

the iguanas

the art class

Samson Brewery

the brewery

the students’ area

the chess room


CROSIA 9 Dicembre 2021 0

La scuola guidata dalla dirigente scolastica Rachele Anna Donnici ha ottenuto la valutazione di 96 su 100. La prof.ssa Carmela Vulcano si è spesa per il [Leggi Articolo…]

Erasmus Plus, approvato il progetto dell’Istituto comprensivo di Crosia Mirto Un ulteriore e significativo risultato è stato raggiunto dall’Istituto comprensivo di Crosia Mirto. La scuola, guidata dal dirigente scolastico Rachele Anna Donnici, ha ottenuto l’approvazione di un importante progetto europeo. L’istituzione scolastica ionica, infatti, è stata selezionata fra 248 candidature dei progetti a breve termine nell’ambito del Programma Erasmus Plus per la mobilità di discenti e personale nell’istruzione e formazione professionale (KA122). Quello del Comprensivo crosimirtese è fra i 111 progetti approvati, con una valutazione di 96 su 100. Ampia soddisfazione è stata espressa sia da parte della dirigente Donnici e sia dalla docente referente, Carmela Vulcano, che con abnegazione si è spesa per il conseguimento di tale obiettivo.  Seasonal@Glocal è nato come progetto di gemellaggio Etwinning con il Portogallo e la Repubblica Ceca. Ad agosto 2022 ci sarà la mobilità dei ragazzi italiani e dei docenti. Dunque, gli studenti dell’Istituto comprensivo Crosia hanno aperto il territorio locale a un contesto globale, abbracciando cultura e tradizioni che caratterizzano e valorizzano i diversi popoli. Un totale di 70 studenti: di cui 50 stranieri e 20 italiani durante una serie di 6 incontri a distanza, hanno allestito il tavolo della comunicazione e in uno scambio di informazioni culinarie, storiche e culturali hanno costruito ponti di contatto virtuale. Nell’ambito delle iniziative è rientrato come partner anche il Comune di Crosia. I lavori sono stati programmati da un team di sette docenti: in Italia Carmela Vulcano, Maria Grazia Arcidiacone  e Franco Ausilio, in Portogallo Fernando Maia e Paulo Costa, mentre nella Repubblica Ceca Lenka Kudrlickova e Tereza Hniličková. Durante gli incontri online, ogni 15 giorni,  sono stati trattati vari argomenti, fra cui, hobby, descrizione audio-video del piatto tipico, descrizione delle tradizioni pasquali, confronto sui sistemi scolastici, descrizione delle attività dei produttori locali e attività inerenti le vacanze estive. Il progetto ha coinvolto ragazzi della scuola secondaria di primo grado, tra i 13 e 14 anni. È stato lo stimolo che ha consentito anche agli alunni con lacune linguistiche di superare i propri limiti e mettersi in gioco. Il lavoro è stato effettuato per gruppi aperti e classi parallele. Durante gli incontri ognuno è stato valorizzato per le proprie abilità e capacità e, per coloro in difficoltà, gli altri compagni e la scuola hanno dato un grande supporto nell'uso dei sistemi multimediali. Nell'aula multimediale, durante gli incontri extracurriculari e per classi aperte, gli studenti hanno effettuato ricerche per settori specifici: artistico – culturale, culinario e turistico, supportati e guidati dai docenti di riferimento. Successivamente, hanno realizzato le clips col sostegno dei genitori, molti dei quali piccoli produttori locali, che, in questo modo, hanno valorizzato le piccole aziende a gestione familiare. Sono state decantate le bellezze del territorio, il potenziale turistico e naturalistico di un patrimonio locale, che affonda le sue radici nelle tradizioni dei nonni. Inoltre, è stato praticato l'uso della L2, Inglese, durante i debates su apposita piattaforma tra pari, nella produzione di files audio e video. Si tratta di un percorso multiculturale e multidisciplinare che ha coinvolto un docente per ogni disciplina e anche il vicesindaco di Crosia, Gemma  Cavallo, in quanto l'Amministrazione comunale locale si è offerta di finanziare una mobilità studenti programmata per il prossimo agosto  2022. I docenti di storia - geografia e arte hanno contribuito alla scoperta del territorio per tracciare una edu-beauty map. I docenti di scienze e scienze motorie hanno realizzato i percorsi didattici sulla piramide alimentare, valori nutrizionali e valorizzazione di un'alimentazione sana. I docenti di italiano hanno curato la versione italiana dei percorsi realizzati, mentre i docenti di lingue straniera hanno curato la versione in inglese. Numerose le competenze chiave sviluppate, fra cui, imparare a imparare, comunicare/ collaborare/partecipare, comunicazione nella madrelingua, utilizzare e produrre testi multimediali, comprendere il cambiamento e la diversità dei tempi storici attraverso il confronto fra aree geografiche e culturali diverse, essere cittadino europeo informato in grado di ricercare, rielaborare e valutare le competenze relative all'Europa e al mondo, ed agire in base a esse. L'idea di convertire il progetto etwinning in una  proposta Erasmus, è stata suggerita dai docenti: Carmela Vulcano (Italia), Paulo Costa, dalla vicepreside della scuola portoghese e dalla la vicepreside della scuola ceca Mrs Lenka Kudrlickova per pianificare il nuovo percorso sottoposto all’unità operativa di Bruxelles. Durante la mobilità degli studenti Cechi e Portoghesi verso la Calabria, programmata per il prossimo agosto 2022, ci sarà la cerimonia della consegna delle Chiavi  da parte del Sindaco del Comune di Crosia, Antonio Russo, al vicepreside Mr Paulo Costa rappresentante dell'autorità amministrativa di Haves, con cui la cittadina ionica strutturerà un patto di gemellaggio.