Tečaj German language and Culutre for educators

Primary school teacher, Martina Erić, participated in the course German Language and Culture for educators . The course was held from 19.- 24. February, 2024. in Berlin, Deutschland. It was organized by Europass Teacher Academy and our teacher was Kataryna Mysak.

Each participant in this course had opportunity to step into the shoes of a student and  observe new teaching methods critically reassing professional attitudes, and learn from local professional tutors.

The course helped the participants to:

·        Improve fluency and accuracy in German language;

·        Learn about German culture;

·        Acquire direct experience with activities that involve the four basic skills (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) in the classroom;

·        Observe and absorb authentic German communication practices;

·        Reflect on teaching profession in a more critical, productive, and enthusiastic way;

·        Compare different learning and teaching practices;

·        Enhance school-kit with new tools to teach.

Making positive environment

Icebreaker activities

Work material

A place to gather and relax

By the end of the course, each of us have gained a deeper understanding of the German language and culture, and had new tools to bring back to our classroom.

And in the very end, the certificates are handed out .

The course was ended with a final guided trip around Berlin.