Dublin (8.-13.4.2024.)

-14 course participants from Austria, France, Greece, Croatia and Germany

The course took place under the guidance of Irish Fionne O'Neill, who explained to us the education system in Ireland, introduced us to the traditions, life and everyday problems of Ireland. The course was based on the contemporary topic of climate change and the problems of global citizenship.  In addition to the theoretical part, we were active in numerous workshops that we had all 5 days of the course. 

 Some of the subtopics of the course that we covered were:

sustainable development (17 global goals adopted by the UN organization)

Environmental awareness

Privileges of modern life and the world

How to reduce food waste in schools

The problem of climate change

How to save the world?...

Through daily workshops, we learned what problems other member countries of the course face, how they are trying to solve them. We compared it with our country, gained new knowledge and saw many similarities in the type of problems we encounter on a daily basis. 

The conclusion of all participants of the course is that the world MUST be protected from ourselves, our bad habits and carelessness because if it is destroyed, we will destroy ourselves! 

Dublin  (8.-13.4.2024.)

-14 sudionika tečaja iz Austrije, Francuske, Grčke, Hrvatske i  Njemačke

Tečaj se odvijao pod vodstvom Irkinje Fionne O´Neill koja nam je objasnila sustav školovanja u Irskoj, upoznala nas s tradicijom, životom i svakodnevnim problemima Irske. Tečaj se bazirao na suvremenoj temi klimatskih promjena i problemima globalnog građanstva.  Osim teoretskog dijela aktivni smo bili u mnogobrojnim radionicama koje smo imali svih 5 dana tečaja. 

Neke od podtema tečaja koje smo obradili bile su:

Kroz svakodnevne radionice saznali smo s kakvim se problemima susreću ostale zemlje članice tečaja, kako ih pokušavaju riješiti. Uspoređivali smo to sa svojom zemljom, dobivali nova saznanja i uviđali mnoge sličnosti u vrsti problema na koje svakodnevno nailazimo. 

Zaključak svih sudionika tečaja je da se svijet MORA zaštititi od nas samih, naših loših navika i nebrige jer ako ga se uništi, uništit ćemo i sami sebe!