8.C - výsledky

Budoucí čas - going to

Příslovce (tabulka)

1A Doplň slovní spojení do textu


  • Dej věty z přítomného času do minulého
  1. Somebody take a clock from the house.

Somebody took a clock from the house.

  1. Mr and Mrs Salt are in their home.

Mr and Mrs Salt were in their home.

  1. Sue isn´t at work. She is in the shopping centre.

Sue wasn´t at work. She was in the shopping centre.

  1. Damien has breakfast at 7 o´clock.

Damien had breakfast at 7 o´clock.

  1. He wants to go to school.

He wanted to go to school.

  1. Is Mr Salt ill?

Was Mr Salt ill?

  1. Does Mrs Salt go to work every day?

Did Mrs Salt go to work every day?

2A Journey into space

Spojení slovíček a obrázků

  1. a planet
  2. an astronaut
  3. a star
  4. a spaceship
  5. a satellite
  6. the Sun
  7. a space station
  8. a rocket
  9. the Moon
  10. the Earth


  1. Galaxy
  2. Sigma 3
  3. Josie
  4. Tom
  5. Mr Reed
  6. PJ9

Článek - doplň slovesa v budoucím čase

2B Detective of the year


  • She throws the etective Club award through the window.
  • She thinks Smart Alec won the award, but in fact she did.

2C Your future