6B 21.10 STŘEDA

  1. Kdo je doma? Who is at home?

  2. Ty domy jsou staré. These houses /The houses / Those houses are old.

  3. Kde je tvoje maminka? Where is your mum? mother

  4. Ivana je v muzeu. Ivana is at a museum. in a museum.

  5. Kdo je v kuchyni? Who is in the/a kitchen?

  6. Oni jsou na tom koberci. They are on the carpet.

  7. Odkud jsi? Where are you from?

  8. Jak se jmenuješ? What is your name? What's your name?

  9. Já nejsem doma. I'm not at home.

  10. Kdo je tvůj nejlepší kamarád? Who is your best friend?

  11. Petr a Pavel nejsou ve škole. Petr and Pavel aren´t at school.

  12. Kde jsme? Where are we?

  13. Kde je jeho pes? Where is his dog?

  14. Kdy jsou tvoje narozeniny? When is your birthday?

Kdy je pondělí? When is Monday?